Page 21 - June July MFM 2024
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Brother Roberts always found the time to participate in or
                                                                support various civic and fraternal organizations. Starting in
                                                                1926, Albert served as Vice President and Treasurer of the
                                                                Boys Hi-Y Club, a social club for middle and high school boys
                                                                and girls affi  liated with the Young Men’s Christian Association
                                                                (YMCA). He participated in the Helena Kiwanis Club and was
                                                                President in 1929. He was an active member of the Helena
                                                                Sigma Chi Alumni Chapter. Besides being the President of
                                                                the Helena Commercial Club, and also served as a member
                                                                of  the  Northwest  Accrediting  Association’s  accreditation
                                                                committee. He was Vice President of the Elkhorn Council of
                                                                the Boy Scouts of America in 1930. He was not only a teacher,
                                                                administrator, humanitarian, and civic leader; he was also a
                                                                pillar of the community.

     Figure 2: From First Vigilante Parade, May 1924. “3-7-77 Last Chance or Bust”   His tenure as the Mayor of Helena for two terms was marked
     From the archives of the Montana Masonic Foundati on.      by visionary leadership that contributed signifi cantly to the
                                                                town’s prosperity. Brother Roberts was the Mayor of Helena,
     Brother Roberts was well-known in the Helena community,    starting in 1936 and ending in 1940. In 1936, an article in
     the state of Montana, and the nation. He had been part of   the Helena Independent Record newspaper said of the new
     Helena High School for 36 years, and during that time, he had   Mayor, “New hope must have been born in the hearts of
     touched the lives of thousands of students. He was respected   Helena homeowners and residents when they learned of
     and admired for his wisdom, kindness, and dedication to his   the results of the municipal election Monday evening; New
     students. But it wasn’t just the students who adored him;   hope that Helena may be restored to its former condition
     the entire town looked up to him. He had achieved national   as a city of beautiful homes; of clean streets comfortable
     recognition for his work as an educator, and when a new high   public buildings; adequate school houses and an abundant
     school was built, he was chosen as the fi rst principal, and his   water supply. Mayor Albert J Roberts is the kind of man to
     contract was extended beyond retirement age. He became     inspire this hope; he wants a city that every resident might
     a general agent for Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance     be proud to call home. He has traveled to a wide range of
     Company after he left the Helena School system and retired.   places and studied at foreign universities. For Twenty-seven
     His name is synonymous with excellence and dedication in   years, he was the guiding spirit of classes of boys and girls,
     education. His ability to speak several languages and engage   averaging hundreds per year, and on June evening for more
     with individuals from diverse backgrounds endeared him to   than a quarter of a century, he has walked out on stage at the
     his  community.  Albert’s  infl uence  reached  well  beyond  the   head of a class of young  people; not a fi nished product, but
     academic realm.                                            a class launched into the sea of life, happy and confi dent.”

     Fraternal and Civic Involvement                            On October 24, 1937, the cornerstone for the new Methodist
                                                                Episcopal Church in Helena was laid. The townspeople
     Brother Roberts was actively engaged in government,        gathered around the church site. It was a momentous
     education,  civic,  and  fraternity  aff airs.  He  believed  that   occasion  as  the  cornerstone  was  about  to  be  laid.  The
     citizens should play an active role in the community and   Mayor,  Brother  A.  J.  Roberts,  was  dressed  in  his  Masonic
     that all citizens should participate in civil discourse that   regalia to perform a part of the Masonic ceremony with Past
     addresses society’s social, political, and charitable aspects by   Grand Master John Kain and other Grand Lodge AF&AM of
     contributing, supporting, or volunteering.                 Montana  members.  The townspeople  watched  in  awe  as
                                                                the Masonic ceremony was conducted, complete with the
     Brother Albert J. Roberts received the degrees of Freemasonry   traditional pouring of corn, wine, and oil on the cornerstone.
     at Keweenaw Lodge No. 242, Central, Michigan. He was       Included in the cornerstone box were items taken from the
     Initiated as an Entered Apprentice on August 16, 1888, Passed   old Methodist Church’s cornerstone, which was laid 49 years
     to the degree of Fellowcraft on October 19, 1888, and raised   earlier in 1888.
     to the sublime degree of Master Mason on October 25, 1888.
     He transferred to Maurat Lodge No. 14, Albion, Michigan,   Brother Albert Roberts lived in  Helena, Montana, for 46
     on February 18, 1895. He was issued a Dimit on November    years. He passed away on November 5, 1944, in Helena at the
     18, 1813, to transfer his membership to Helena Lodge No.   age of seventy-seven. The community grieved the passing
     3, Helena, Montana, and was elected to membership with     of a cherished town member renowned for his kindness and
     Helena No. 3 on December 5, 1913. Brother Roberts was      generosity. His fi nal resting place is Forestvale Cemetery.
     proud to have been a member of the Masonic Fraternity for
     56 years.                                                  Helena Lodge No. 3 conducted a special communication for
                                                                Masonic Funeral Rites for Brother Albert James Roberts on
     He was a member of the York Rite. He held various positions,   Thursday, November 9, at 3:00 pm. The Consistory Shrine
     including High Priest of the Royal Arch Masons Helena Chapter   Temple was the location for a public service event at 3:30
     No.2, Commander and Recorder in Helena Commandery          pm. Helena, Commandery No. 2 of the  Knights Templar,
     No.2 Knights Templar, and Recorder for Helena Chapter No.1   furnished  escort  for  the  funeral  of  Past  Commander  A.  J.
     of the Royal and Select Masters. He was also a member of   Roberts. All deeply felt the loss of this remarkable man.
     the Algeria Shrine. For several years, He held the position of   His legacy would live on in the hearts and minds of those
     youth leader as DeMolay DAD and Chairman of the Board for   he had touched, and his memory would continue to inspire
     the E C Day Chapter.                                       generations.

           Montana Freemason                                                    Page 21                                        June/July 2024   Volume 100 No.3ontana Freemason                                                    Page 21                                        June/July 2024   Volume 100 No.3
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