Page 20 - June July MFM 2024
P. 20

A. J. and the Parade
       From the Editor

                                 The Vigilante Day Parade

     Who was A.J. Roberts?                                                   was  canceled  for  the  fi rst  time  due  to  the
     What does the Vigilante Day Parade consist of,                          United States’ involvement in World War II.
     and why has it been happening for a hundred                             The parade would be put on hold until 1946
     years?                                                                  in a nationwide eff ort to conserve resources.
                                                                             During Vigilante Day in 1950, President Harry
     Having witnessed numerous Vigilante Day                                 S. Truman visited the area and evaluated
     Parades and having my son, nephew, nieces,                              various  fl oats.  He  and  his  group  were  given
     and friends’ children take part, I never thought                        the chance to review ten fl oats. The Vigilante
     about the parade’s beginning. In fact, for                              Day Parade was again canceled in 2020 due to
     several years, I thought it was just a way to                           the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2020, an unoffi  cial
     let High School students blow off  steam. But                           Vigilante Cruise took place, where students
     the  truth  about  the  parade’s  origins  and  its                     drove  fl oats  through  downtown  without  any
     founder is more intriguing.                                             crowds, and the event was broadcast online.

     The Parade                                                              The  Vigilante  Day  Parade has  become
                                                                             a tradition perpetuated annually by the
     High school students stage one of the longest-                          dedication of both former and current faculty
     running parades in the United States, known                             and students for both Helena High School
     as the Vigilante Day Parade. Helena High     Figure 1 : Albert James Roberts  and Capital High School. May 3, 2024, was
     School  held  a  tradition  called  ‘The  Senior-                     the date for the 100th-anniversary parade, with
     Junior Fight’ in the early 20th century. It was a bloody and   eighteen members of the Roberts family, representing three
     destructive springtime aff air, the object of which was for the   generations, serving as grand marshals.
     juniors to take down and desecrate a senior-class fl ag, which
     seniors  would  run  up  a  fl agpole  between  the  High  School   The Founder
     and the adjacent Central School. In response to intense
     fi ghting, the School Board resolved to remove the fl agpole.   Albert James Roberts was born on June 11, 1867, in Central,
     Following this, seniors hoisted their fl ag on the pole at the   Keweenaw County, Michigan. He went to a public school
     top of the high school, which resulted in a rooftop altercation.   in his local town. He later attended Albion College and
     Consequently, a strict enforcement was put in place, banning   obtained an A.B. degree in 1896. His passion for knowledge
     all aspects of the tradition from school property. This resulted   and commitment to education inspired him to further his
     in  the  confl ict  spreading  throughout  the  town,  resulting   studies in Germany and France. He attended the University
     in further violence and property damage. Over the years,   of Halle  and the University  of  Leipzig  from  1896 to  1897.
     authorities had attempted to organize alternative senior-  Subsequently, he enrolled in courses at the Sorbonne in
     junior competitions. Students perceived these events as too   Paris, France, from 1897 to 1898.
     tame and controlled. There were other unauthorized student
     activities during those years, including “Sneak Day,” in which   In September 1898, Brother Roberts arrived in Helena and
     truancy was widespread, and “Old Clothes Day; there was also   taught elsewhere until he  could secure a position  at High
     “Costume Day,” which was held only once but contributed to   School in 1899. He served as an instructor in German and
     the basic idea of the Vigilante Parade.                    History at Helena High School from 1899 to 1907. He was
                                                                the Assistant Principal from 1902 to 1907. For 28 years
     In 1924, discussions between students and administrators laid   (1907-1935), he held the position of Principal at Helena High
     the groundwork for the parade: a grand pageant of historical   School. During 1911 and 1916, he served as the President of
     fl oats involving most students in a creative competition and   the Montana State Teachers Association. He was selected
     having the theme of the rugged pioneer spirit at its heart.   to be the President of the Montana branch of the American
                                                                School Peace League. He was associate editor for the Inter-
     Floats are constructed by high school students from the    Mountain Educator, Montana’s offi  cial school newspaper. In
     Helena Public School system and are themed around historical   addition, he served as the President of the State High School
     events in Helena and Montana. Seven categories are given   Athletic Association and the Director of the State High
     to students: American Indian, Historic Helena, Pioneer Life,   School Debating League.
     Helena Business, Famous People, Mining Transportation, and
     Antique Vehicles. Students vie for the prestigious Roberts   He was a strong advocate for the betterment of the city and
     Cup,  given  to  the  class  with  the  most  parade  fl oats,  be  it   the  state,  and  his  voice  was  often  sought  after  for  public
     freshmen, sophomores, juniors, or seniors. This cup serves as   speaking engagements. Brother Roberts was a man of quiet
     a tribute to A.J. Roberts, the former principal of Helena High   dignity and scholarly manner who had a deep understanding
     School, who initiated the Vigilante Parade in 1924.        of human nature. During his tenure at Helena High School,
                                                                he witnessed seven classes graduate as a teacher and
     In 1939, Olav V of Norway (then crown prince) and his wife   twenty-nine as the Principal, overseeing a total of thirty-
     Martha, who were on a tour of the United States, witnessed   six graduating classes. The class of 1924 was the fi rst class
     the  parade  as  part  of  their  eff orts  to  enhance  relations   to experience the creation of the “Vigilante Day Parade,” a
     between the two countries. In 1942, the Vigilante Day Parade   tradition that would continue for years to come.
           Montana Freemason                                                    Page 20                                        June/July 2024   Volume 100 No.3
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