Page 15 - June July MFM 2024
P. 15

There  are  many  negati ves  to  leading  a  moral  life.  My
     questi ons to you, my brothers, are this: Would you want
     to be associated with those whom you might lose in the
     course of doing the right thing? And do you take your
     Masonic  obligati ons  seriously  enough  to  do  the  right
     thing regardless of the outcome?

     Worshipful Brother Dr. Jyothindra Kumar (Grand Lodge
     of India) said it very well.
      “The greatest insight that today’s mason ought to have
      is the sense to discriminate between right and wrong,
      and to disti nguish between the ideal and the practi cal;
      to act on that, what his conscience tells him is the best
      choice, and restoring Ordo ab Chao – order out of the
      moral and mental chaos amidst the crushing pressures
      and stresses of daily modern life. Such, my brother, is
      the nature of the human concept of morality. Do right
      if you can; if questi onable, do not do it; and above all,
      do no harm. No longer talk about the kind of man that
      a good man ought to be – but be such!!” (2008).

     Remember: Morality ma� ers most when it hurts!

     Golden Rule Project (2023). Golden Rule Project Formulations,
     Marshall,  Taylor,  Dr.  (2024).  Must  watch  videos.  115:  Intro
     to Four Cardinal Virtues (Virtues Part 1)) [Podcast], https://
     Kumar,  J.  (2008)  Morality  and Freemasonry,  http://www.
     Mendis, R. n.d. The Masonic Seeding of Our Commercial
     Merriam-Webster, 2024. Fortitude, noun. Synonyms of

                                                                           GRAND LODGE OF AF&AM OF MONTANA
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