Page 13 - June July MFM 2024
P. 13

The Cost             of

                                      Masonic Morality                                    Scott Sterland, Helena No. 3

     Morality – a very boring subject, right? Not if you’re a   We even find evidence the golden rule in teachings of
     Mason. As Masons, we take obligations of secrecy and       Humanism,  Utilitarianism  principles,  Agnosticism,  and
     obligations  to  help  our  fellow  Masons  and  the  rest  of   Wicca. So, the issue is not solely within the purview of
     society. We also take obligations wherein we promise not   religious institutions (Golden Rule Project, 2023). They all
     to do very specific things.                                taught the same basic truth that we can equate to the
                                                                moral teachings in Freemasonry:
     Being a Freemason is an all-or-nothing proposition. You
     don’t get the liberty to choose to follow certain parts of   • walk the middle path (on the level),
     your obligation and ignore others.                         • live a moral life (by the plumb), and
                                                                • do unto others as you would have them do unto you
     If you look at the definitions of morality, ethics, character,      (on the square).
     virtues, and principles, you will find that they share many
     similarities.  These  common  attributes  are  no  mistake.   The Four Noble Virtues
     These topics have been discussed for millennia the world
     over.                                                      So, what does all of this have to do with Freemasonry?
                                                                Well,  Freemasonry  has  what  we  call  the  Four  Noble
     Morality Discussions in Human History                      Virtues of Masonry. Those are Fortitude, Prudence,
                                                                Temperance, and Justice. A virtue is defined as a behavior
     The ancient Egyptians believed you would be judged after   showing high moral standards.
     death and your good and bad deeds would be measured
     to  determine  if  you  would  be  allowed  to  enter  the
     afterlife. The ancient philosophers of Greece – Socrates,
     Plato, Aristotle, and others – made a study of the issue
     of ethics (ethos) and wrote prolifically about it. Ancient
     Emperors, such as Julius Agustus Caesar wrote about it
     frequently. Medieval kings and clergy also wrote about it.

     But the age of enlightenment brought about further study
     of ethics, which was generally free of religious dogma, but
     still tied to religious ideals. The birth of our nation was
     in large part due to this age in history. Additionally, the
     structure of United States Government is often thought
     to mirror that of Freemasonic principles and structure.
     This is well outlined in the Albany Plan of Union written                   Dr. Taylor Marshall (2024)
     by Benjamin Franklin in 1754 (Mendis, n.d.).
                                                                I wish to discuss each of these but will not discuss them
     But these virtues are hardly unique; they first appeared   in  that  order.  The  reason  for  which  should  become
     in  writing  almost  2,000  years  ago  in  what  historians   apparent.
     call  the  Axial  Age  (800  BCE  to  200  BCE).  During  this
     time,  simultaneously  and  independently,  the  spiritual                First, let’s discuss Prudence. Another way
     foundations of humanity were laid by teachers such as                     of thinking of this virtue is cautiousness.
     Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha) in India, Confucius in                    Being  cautious  or  careful  in  how  we
     China, and Socrates in Greece.                                            approach a situation, considering how it
                                                                               will impact others and how it will impact
     In  fact,  the  age-old  teaching  we  recognize  as  “The                us are all issues of caution. Do we need
     Golden Rule” (treating others as you would have them                      to involve ourselves in a particular action?
     treat yourself) has been taught in many different forms                   Are we doing it for the right reasons? Is it
     over  the  years.  It  appears  in  Buddhism,  Christianity,              for the furthering of Freemasonry, or to
     Confucianism,  Greek  Philosophy,  Hinduism,  Islam,                      assist a brother to become better, or bring
     Judaism,  Native  American  spiritual  teaching,  Persian                 them out of distress? Or are we trying to
     Proverbs, Roman teachings, Shintoism, Sikhism, Taoism,                    further an agenda of our own? Beginning
     and Zoroastrianism.                                                       a course of action always requires that we
                                                                               consider the why of what we are doing.

           Montana Freemason                                                    Page 13                                        June/July 2024   Volume 100 No.3
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