Page 14 - June July MFM 2024
P. 14

I like the image of Prudence presented here. Have you      again in 2016 (talk about a lasting theme). Speaking of
     ever heard one person ask another person, “I don’t know    Seven – how about the movie Se7en (1995) – (yes, this is
     how you can look yourself in the mirror?” Well, this cuts   how the movie is spelled). Even the movie 9 to 5 starring
     to the bone of temperance.                                 Dolly Parton was based on justice (or revenge). The list is
                                                                almost endless…
     The issues at play here are discernment versus willpower.
     Discerning  (or  knowing)  what  is  right  is  the  easy  part.   We,  as  Freemasons,  need  to  ensure  that  we  don’t  get
     Stepping up and doing it is the hard part. This is what    swept up in battles that hinge on revenge, but instead
     separates a moral man from a man who may not make          focus on justice – what is right.
     the  moral  choice.  You’ll  notice  that  I  did  not  say  that
     someone who does not do the right thing is automatically   Finally, we consider Fortitude. I want to discuss this virtue
     immoral. It takes a pattern to be an immoral man, not      last for a reason. Fortitude is defined as courage in the
     one decision.                                              face of pain or adversity (Merriam-Webster, 2024).

     Next,  we  will  discuss  Temperance.  The                 This is where the cost of masonic morality
     virtue  of  Temperance  is  the  quality                   lies.  Courage  in  the  face  of  scorn,
     of  moderation  or  self-restraint.  In                    adversity, or ridicule is what we all aspire
     circumscribing  our  actions,  we  need  to                to do. However, this is the hardest of all
     be careful not to offend our brothers and                  the masonic virtues to attain.
     attempt  to  reach  consensus  whenever
     possible.  This  is  particularly  important               Brother Sir Winston Churchill said it best
     when  we  are  engaged  in  an  issue  for                 “There is only one duty –  try to be right
     which we have great passion. Passion, or                   and  do  not  fear  to  say,  or  do,  what  is
     the emotion that we bring to an issue, can                 right.” Of course, if you’ve studied history,
     lead us to be careless or imprudent in our                 you know that Churchill also made a lot
     action.                                                    of  enemies  along  the  way  –  not  only  in
                                                                Nazi  Germany  and  the  Soviet  Union.  He
     How  about  Justice?  Many  people  in  today’s  society   is famous for saying, “You have enemies?
     confuse justice with revenge. These are two very different   Good.  That  means  you’ve  stood  up  for  something,
     motivations. Justice is often described as being blind.    sometime in your life.”

     It is characterized this way because true                  The Cost
     justice  is  not  political,  emotional,  or
     vengeful. Justice is supposed to be blind                  We  all  know  what  the  right  thing  to  do  is  in  most
     to any issue that may sway an equal and                    circumstances.  So  why  do  we  have  difficulty  doing  it?
     impartial approach to the truth. In doing                  There can be several reasons: Our passion for the issue
     so,  Justice  will  be  fair  and  impartial  –            is not high enough for the cost; We are fearful of public
     regardless  of  what  distractions  may                    ridicule (yes, ridicule for doing the right thing); We are
     attempt to sway it.                                        fearful  of  how  we  might  be  attacked  if  we  speak  out.
                                                                There are dozens of reasons we don’t do what we know
     The  frustration  we  as  humans  tend  to                 we should do.
     have with this issue is that we are usually
     emotionally attached to a circumstance in                  Leading a moral and ethical life will make you unpopular
     which we believe we have been wronged.                     with many people who do not lead their lives in that way.
     The result of this is we sometimes disagree                They will attack you and attempt to discredit you. They
     with the outcomes.                                         will  smear  your  good  name  and  question  your  honor.
                                                                However, if we stick to the virtues of Fortitude, Prudence,
     Revenge,  on  the  other  hand,  is  emotional,  can  be   Temperance, and Justice, you will be living an upright and
     irrational, and is usually a leap to judgment. This can be   level masonic life. This will be an example to everyone.
     very dangerous – not only for society as a whole, but for
     our fraternity.                                            Living in the state of masonic morality will cost you. It can
                                                                cost you friendships; it can cost you business associates,
     It’s very easy to get these two issues confused with one   possibly  even  family.  It  can  cost  you  money  –skirting
     another.  So  easy,  in  fact,  that  there’s  an  entire  movie   legality  can  literally  be  cheaper.  The  simplest  things
     industry  built  around  the  issue.  Just  think  about  some   can fall into this territory – e.g. not feeding the parking
     of  the  movies  that  have  been  made  revolving  around   meter  when  you  know  you  should,  knowing  you  were
     the issues of justice and revenge: The John Wick series;   accidentally  charged  less  for  something  you  purchased
     the entire Star Wars franchise; the entire Hunger Games    and  not  advising  the  cashier,  etc.  These  can  be  the
     franchise; The Seven Samurai (1954) which spawned the      smallest of issues, but the biggest breach of character as
     movie The Magnificent Seven (1960) and was remade yet      a Freemason.

           Montana Freemason                                                    Page 14                                        June/July 2024   Volume 100 No.3
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