Page 28 - June July MFM 2024
P. 28


                          TEXAS MASONS

                                         Chuck Clampitt, MT Etna No. 333, Indiana

     With  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War  (War  Between  the  cattle  from  central  and  eastern  Texas  were  moved  via
     States) in April 1861, the Union devised a strategy named  the Shawnee and Chisholm Trails to connecting points of
     the Anaconda Plan. The plan would entail the blockading  Sedalia, Missouri and Abilene, Kansas, to service eastern
     of southern ports and gaining control of the Mississippi  markets. Of the four major trails, the best known was the
     River, thus cutting off the three western Confederate states  Chisholm. Another famous trail was established further
     of Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas. This would subdivide  west and was named the Goodnight-Loving Trail. Named
     the  Confederacy  and                                                                     for    the   partnership
     prevent  the  shipment                                                                    of  Charles  Goodnight
     of  vital  foodstuffs  east,                                                              and  Oliver  Loving,  this
     especially  beef.  Texas                                                                  route    moved     cattle
     had  become  a  major                                                                     from  San  Angelo,  Texas,
     producer  of  cattle,  and                                                                westward     into   New
     when the state was                                                                        Mexico  Territory  and
     isolated, consumption of                                                                  then  northward  along
     Texas  beef  plummeted.                                                                   the  Pecos  River  with
     By  war’s  end,  the  Texas                                                               Denver  and  Cheyenne
     cattle  population  had                                                                   as  destinations.  With  all
     increased to an estimated                                                                 such cattle drives, finding
     5 million head. While on                                                                  cattle  in  Texas  wasn’t  a
     the  surface  this  might                                                                 problem.  Finding  good
     appear  to  be  a  great                                                                  cowboys  was.  Just  like
     asset,  the  problem  was                                                                 on  television  and  in  the
     there  were  no  railroads                                                                movies, cattle herds were
     tying  cattle  producing                                                                  large  and  conditions
     areas to markets.                                                                         for the cowboys were
                                                                                               brutal.  On  the  first
     Immediately    following                                                                  cattle  drive  Goodnight
     the  war,  demand  for                                                                    and  Loving,  along  with
     beef  skyrocketed.  Large                                                                 18  cowboys,  herded
     numbers  of  migrants                                                                     2,000  cattle  800  miles
     were  headed  to  mine                                                                    to Denver at the rate of
     and  homestead  west                                                                      15  to  20  miles  per  day.
     of  the  Mississippi  River.                                                              (Note:  The  Goodnight-
     Native  Americans  were                                                                   Loving  partnership  was
     placed  on  reservations                                                                  the historical basis for
     and  promised  a  steady                                                                  Larry  McMurtry’s  1985
     supply  of  beef.  Most                                                                   novel  and  made  for  TV
     importantly, the cities of                                                                movie Lonesome Dove).
     the east were growing rapidly in size, and the population
     was consuming larger amounts of meat. With all these  On the very first cattle drives, cowboys were expected
     factors in play, a few enterprising Texans came up with  to  take  their  own  food  and  were  limited  to  whatever
     the answer of moving cattle to market. Cattle could be  they could carry. With the long days plus night watches
     purchased in Texas at $5 a head and sold for $40 a head  it  left  little  time  for  the  cowboys  to  prepare  meals.  It
     at  market.  Suddenly,  the  cattle  drive  of  western  lore  was then that Charles Goodnight came up with a way to
     developed.                                                 attract the best cowboys to work for him by hiring a cook.
                                                                Together, he and the cook repurposed an Army surplus
     In  1866,  the  first  cattle  drives  were  organized,  and  Studebaker Wagon (built in South Bend) converting it into
     large  herds  were  moved  (herded)  northward.  The  the first “Chuck Wagon”, which was named after Charlie
     intercontinental  railroad  was  partially  completed,  so  Goodnight. As can be seen in the photos, built-in storage

           Montana Freemason                                                    Page 28                                        June/July 2024   Volume 100 No.3
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