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compartments  were  added  for  various  staple  foods,  New Mexico. Here he contracted gangrene, died and was
     cooking equipment, and “necessaries” such as repair tools  buried. On his deathbed, Loving, asked Goodnight to take
     and first aid supplies. Another feature at the back of the  his  remains  back  to  Texas.  “Loving  died  on  September
     wagon was a fold down work space for food preparation.  25, 1867, and his body was kept at Fort Sumner through
     Other  uses  for  the  Chuck  wagon                                                     the  winter.  In  early  spring,
     were to transport cowboy’s camp                                                         Goodnight  with  Loving’s
     rolls  and  personal  effects,  carry                                                   son  began  the  600  miles
     campfire wood in an apron slung                                                         to  Weatherford  (Texas).
     under the wagon, and to provide                                                         Oliver  Loving’s  body  was
     shelter  from  the  rain  with  a  fold                                                 reinterred  on  March  4,
     out  awning.  Building  the  Chuck                                                      1868. He was 55 years old.
     Wagon  was  a  revolutionary  idea                                                      Loving County is named in
     and  was  soon  copied  for  similar                                                    his honor.” (Loving & Ikard:
     applications throughout the west.                                                       Weatherford area historical
                                                                                             citizens  -  the  Weatherford
     The first trail drive of Goodnight-                                                     Democrat,  Feb  16,  2019)
     Loving was a huge financial success,                                                    Goodnight and Loving were
     with  the  partners  returning  to                                                      not  just  financial  partners;
     Texas  with  $12,000  in  gold  and                                                     they  were  lifelong  friends
     immediate plans for their second                                                        and  fellow  Masons,  both
     trip. The route the two men chose                                                       of  whom  were  members
     wasn’t by chance since two major                                                        of  Phoenix  Lodge  #275  in
     elements were a need for water and the avoidance of the  Weatherford. If you view Oliver Loving’s tombstone, you
     Comanche Indians. The Comanches were a fierce, warlike  can  see  the  Masonic  square  and  compass  prominently
     tribe that roamed from north Texas to southern Kansas.  displayed (see Find-A-Grave on the internet). Goodnight
     The  Goodnight-Loving  Trail  was  specifically  chosen  to  would cowboy on until 1929, when he died at age 93. A
     provide adequate water for the cattle and to avoid the  lifelong  man  adventurer,  he  had  been  a  Texas  Ranger,
     Comanches. Unfortunately, the plan didn’t work out with  served in the Confederate Army, and spent a lifetime as
     the second trail drive.                                    a cattleman. He is buried in Goodnight, Texas, just east of
     In  September  1867,  Oliver  Loving  and  another  cowboy
     went  out  scouting  in  front  of  the  herd.  In  the  process
     Comanches  attacked  the  two  men,  and  Loving  was
     wounded in the arm and side and taken to Fort Sumner,

           Montana Freemason                                                    Page 29                                        June/July 2024   Volume 100 No.3
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