Page 35 - MFM Jan Feb 2024
P. 35

“A new, portable piano will enable us to do more community
                                                    outreach at places like the hospital, the senior centers, and
                                                                                                   further afi eld. Thank you so much.”

                                                                        - Powell County High School’s music department

          Thank you so much for the
          generous grand given to our library.
          Because of your help, more kids are
          getting access to new, high-quality                              “Dear MMF, thaks for the mony. I relee
          books. It’s been a tough year, and your                          likte the part when he saied this is
          grant was like a burst of sunshine for                           grumpee grumpee mosik. I relee likte
          the kids. I can’t thank you enough.”                             the symphony! MMF Luve you!”
                             - from a middle school librarian                                 - Ezra, a young Montana student

          A  budding  musician  in  St.  Regis  “poured  his  heart  and
          soul” into learning to play the tuba in the band room. But
          the “oompha, oompha, oomphas” didn’t sound as they
          should no matt er what he did.

          His school superintendent Joe Steele knew the student
          would be “especially thrilled” when the school’s music  The 45 students at Turner Public School, north of the
          program replaced the “old , decrepit” tuba with a new  Hi-Line, have books covering a wide range of Montana
          instrument. His music teacher couldn’t wait to watch his  history and culture, as well as a multi media cart, jumbo
          ability grow.                                         wooden puzzles, and novel sets for high schoolers thanks
                                                                to MMF donors - “educati onal resources directly into the
          “While I believe the arts, and parti cularly music,   hands of our teachers and students.”
          provides students a greater breadth of experiences and
          opportuniti es, being able to fund the program at the   Choteau Elementary doubled the MMF grant with a
          level it needs to be can be challenging,” Joe said. “I want   match and was able to establish a weather stati on with
          you to know how appreciati ve we are.”                equipment to track weather phenomena and go on fi eld
                                                                experiences to help bring science to life.
          St. Regis’ 195-student public school in western Montana
          is among the scores that have benefi ted from the MMF   We’ve funded choir risers, musical instruments, libraries,
          Educati onal Grants Program.                          STEM programs, hands-on science kits, roboti cs, wildlife
                                                                educati on, trips to the symphony, theater lights, drone
          Our school grants program has provided half a million   fl ying instructi on, parti cipati on in Missoula Children’s
          dollars in funding for Montana students since we      Theater, and so much more.
          relaunched it in 2015 aft er years of a scatt ershot
          approach. We focus on music, library, science, and    “Having an organizati on that supports the underfunded
          drama because those programs o� en are the fi rst to   parts of our school is so refreshing,” music teacher Dawn
          see funding cuts - programs that are lifechanging for   Sherseth of Shepherd wrote the MMF. “The students
          students but expensive to run.                        love to create music.”

           Montana Freemason                                                    Page 35                                        Jan/Feb 2024   Volume 100 No.1
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