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Pfouts lived to the age of 81 years; he died in 1910 at the   Pfouts pays tribute to the memory of his father, no reader can
     home of his youngest son, George. It was this son who gave the   fail to be moved almost to tears. The Grand Lodge of Montana
     manuscript to the Grand Lodge of Montana, rightly believing   is happy to present this great work for the enjoyment and
     that body to be the proper custodian of so important a bit of   bene  t of all Americans.
     American history.
      One must admire Pfouts’s modesty as well as his candor.                 An Explanation
     He writes brie  y about his four great honors: First Master of
     Denver City Lodge of Masons under Colorado charter; First                by Paris S. Pfouts
     Master of Virginia City Lodge; First Chief (President) of the
     Vigilantes, and First Mayor of Virginia City.            The following brief sketches of the lives of my immediate
                                                            ancestors were written in my leisure moments early in the year
      Pfouts wastes no words in telling about his unfortunate   1868, for the bene  t and instruction of my children, should
     clash with the then Grand Master of Masons in Colorado and   curiosity of any other motive ever prompt them to ascertain
     being removed from his o   ce because of his sympathies for   all that is possible to learn of their ancestry.
     the cause of the Confederacy. Records of the Grand Lodge
     of Colorado bear out Pfouts’s account in all respects, and it   Although in my investigations I have not learned of a single
     appears, after the lapse of more than 100 years, that Pfouts   member of either branch of my family having occupied any
     was indeed the victim of rancor provoked by fratricidal strife.  conspicuous station in life, or been known even outside of
                                                            his own circle of acquaintance, still I entertain the greatest
      But in contrast, let it be said that Pfouts’s espousal of the   reverence for all them all, and hold their memory in the
     Southern cause did not blind him to his duty as a citizen of   profoundest veneration. I have always felt a deep interest
     the United States. Virtually all members of The Innocents   in everything connected with the history of my family, and
     were Secessionists; the great majority of the Vigilantes were   have treasured in my mind with great reverence for them all,
     strong for the Union. Pfouts never hesitated to obey the   and hold their memory in the profoundest veneration. I have
     Vigilantes’  famous  command,  “Men  do your duty,” and  he   always felt a deep interest in everything connected with the
     was instrumental in the execution of more than a score of   history of my family, and have treasured in my mind with
     Southern sympathizers who had been convicted in open trial   great care many little incidents in the lives of my ancestors,
     of murder and robbery.                                 which would be thought unworthy of notice by anyone save a
                                                            member of our own family.
      History records the fact that Pfouts was elected Mayor of
     Virginia City by a narrow marginover John J. Hull (the   rst   Believing I am not singular in this desire to possess a
     Grand Master of Montana). In the campaign Pfouts was   knowledge of the history of my family, I have endeavored in
     outspoken in his support of the Confederacy; Hull let no   these few pages to bind together the few fragments I have
     opportunity pass to preach the doctrine of the Union Forever.    collected of the lives of those who have gone before for the
     When the Grand Lodge of Montana was organized on January   bene  t of those who may come after me. The satisfaction I
     24, 1866, in Virginia City, the   rst Master of the Territory’s   have derived from pursuing my research has fully repaid me
       rst Lodge was not in attendance. Pfouts says nothing in his   for the labor I have expended in making them, and if but a
     memoirs about the convention. Therefore it would be idle,   single one of my children   nds pleasure in the perusal of what
     more than 100 years later, to speculate upon his reasons for   I have herein written, then will I be more than compensated
     absenting himself from such an important meeting.      for the little time occupied in recording the results of my

      Pfouts did not remain long in Montana after the Vigilantes   investigations.
     had established law and order. He returned to St. Louis in
     June 1867, to establish a wholesale grocery business and from   It is di   cult to learn facts regarding men who have   lled
     there, moved to Texas. In 1877, and embarked in a lumber   the brightest pages in the world’s history-how much more
     mill at Gladewater. In 1877, Pfouts a   liated with Tannehill   di   cult than to ascertain anything reliable of those who were
     Lodge 52, in Dallas. Pfouts acquired half interest in the Dallas   unknown to fame and who was almost forgotten ere nature
     Herald newspaper and became its Editor and general manager   spread her given mantle over their graves.
     and publisher from 1878 through 1885. He continued to be an
     active Mason in Dallas.                                  For this reason, I have been compelled to say but little in
                                                            regard to my more early progenitors, and there are periods
      Readers will note with enjoyment Pfouts’s description of the   even in my father’s life which I pass over reluctantly for want
     journey with his family and $20,000 in gold dust concealed   of correct information regarding them.
     in the stagecoach, and his feeling of relief when that fortune
     was safe in the strongbox of the boat which was to take this   I do not claim for these sketches that they are even passably
     remarkable man, his family and his wealth from Fort Benton,   good in either style or diction- but I do maintain that they are
     Montana to St. Louis, Missouri. But Pfouts left a most human   as nearly correct, in every particular, as it was possible for me
     document - intended, as he says, for the edi  cation of his   to render them with the little data at my command. It is hardly
     children-but now, brought to light and presented to the public;   necessary to say in conclusion that they were written only for
     it becomes a welcome antidote for the current   ood of higher   the perusal of my children at some future day, and,  it may be,
     criticism, pornography in this multi-syllable words, and   in part, for my own amusement during hours of idleness.
          Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 32                                                    July 2019    Volume 95 No. 5
     downright treason. It restores faith in human nature, and when
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