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About the year 1801, he disposed of all his property in   When my grandfather died, by his will he bequeathed all
     Pennsylvania and removed to Ohio, where he purchased four   his property to my grandmother, except his own farm, which
     sections of land on Little Sugar Creek, parts of them now lying   he gave to my oldest sister, Rebecca.  When my grandmother
     in each of the counties of Holmes, Stark, and Wayne.   died, her step-children were still further disappointed in not
                                                            sharing with my father in her estate.
      My father was then about six or seven years old. To each
     of his sons and daughters grandfather gave a farm. He also   My father was born June 24, 1794. I can give no account of
     reserved one hundred and sixty acres of land for his wife, and   his life or actions, further than that he went to Ohio at about
     retained the remainder in his own right. He further assisted   the age of six years, until his nineteenth year. I know that
     each of his children with money to improve their lands.  he had acquired a good common school education, and had
                                                            probably received all the advantages in that way which could
      His  two  eldest  sons,  Simeon  and  David,  soon  became   possibly be conferred in Ohio at that early period of its history.
     dissatis  ed with their new homes in Ohio, sold their farms
     and returned to Pennsylvania. Before their departure, my   At the age of nineteen years, he determined to assume the
     grandfather  gave  each  a  full  share  of  what  money  had  yet   responsibility of controlling his personal a  airs. He sold his
     remaining. They retraced their steps and again took up their   farm to my grandfather, and with all the money he could
     abode in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, where many of   command started for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he
     their descendants now reside.                          purchased a small stock of assorted merchandise.
      I regret extremely that my information regarding my     At  that day  it  took  six  weeks  to  make  the  trip  to
     grandfather’s life is so meager and that this biographical   Philadelphia and return back home. This journey my father
     sketch of his history is so unsatisfactory. I can only remember   made on horseback. He had his goods transported in heavy
     of seeing him once, and then my attention was particularly   Pennsylvania freight wagons, drawn by eight large horses, over
     directed to his quaint, old-fashioned pantaloons, gathered in   the Allegheny Mountains, and conveyed to New Philadelphia,
     folds around the waist and very roomy in the seat. He lived   the county seat of Tuscarawas County, Ohio. There he engaged
     on a farm, at the time of his death, one and a half miles from   in mercantile pursuits for the   rst time on his own account.
     Mt. Eaton, in Wayne County, Ohio. He departed this life on
     November 17, 1833, age 78 years.                         In his younger days, my father was remarkably fond of all
                                                            outdoor amusements and trials of feats of strength, in which
      After his death my Grandmother Pfoutz lived with my father.   he greatly excelled. Although he was but of medium stature, he
     I remember her well as a woman over the medium height,   was compactly built with limbs   rmly knit, and was capable of
     digni  ed in her deportment, and possessing a strong mind   great endurance. He was swift of foot, and in wrestling never
     and great intelligence. When she was not reading, her time   met his equal.
     was spent in kitting, and habits of industry she maintained
     till her death, which occurred on April 30, 1839, at the age of   When he was about thirty years old, in a friendly encounter
     68 years. She sleeps by the side of my grandfather in the little   of strength with a friend, he threw his competitor with such
     graveyard at Mt. Eaton.                                force as to break an arm and otherwise severely injure him,
                                                            and from that time until the end of his days he was never
      My grandfather’s third son, Reuben, married in Ohio, and   known to indulge in wrestling again.
     lived and died on the farm given him by his father. He was
     the father of thirteen children. Rebecca, the eldest daughter of   No one who ever knew my father long and well could forget
     my grandfather, married General Abram Shane, an o   cer in   his loud, joyous laugh, while his general goods spirits,   ne
     the army during the war with Great Britain, in the year 1812,   social qualities and his obliging, generous disposition made
     by whom she had one son, who was drowned in the canal, at   him the idol of his companions. His love of practical jokes was
     the age of nineteen years, at Canal Dover, in the year 1842.   excessive, and the pranks that he and his friend, Alexander
     Sarah, the second daughter, married Levi Edgerton, a man   McConnell, often played upon others a  orded the early
     of very sprightly mind, but too much addicted to the use of   settlers of New Philadelphia subjects for laughter for many
     ardent spirits. She had a large family of children and died at   years.
     Mans  eld, Ohio.
                                                              My father’s business adventure proved a success and he
                          Chapter 2                         largely increased his stock of goods and wares, regularly
                       George Pfouts, Junior                journeying to the Eastern cities on horseback to purchase
      My father, George Pfouts Jr., was the only child of his
     mother, and his father loved him “more than all his children”   At the age of twenty-six years, he and my mother were
     because he was the son of his old age. This preference which   married. She was but sixteen years old and the acknowledged
     my grandfather showed for my father gave o  ense to his other   belle of the neighborhood. In stature by mother was rather
     children, and they complained because he received a larger   below than above the medium height-her form in girlhood
     patrimony than the others. For these reasons there was but   was  light and  symmetrical,  and  her  face decidedly  pretty
     little fraternal regard shown for my father by the children of   and agreeable. I have no doubt in her younger days she was
     my grandfather by his   rst marriage.                  fully aware of her personal attractions, and in after life I have
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