Page 2 - Mar Apl 2022 MF C.indd
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CONTENTS                                                                      Vol. 98 No. 2

              5  Montana Rainbow Centennial Tea, Centennial Year Of Rainbow For Girls In Montana
              7  Montana Masonic Foundation School Grant Program, Chinook Elementary School
              8  Montana Masonic Foundation School Grant Program, Sweet Grass High School
              9  Hands Of The Workman - John Kain
            12   Montana Masonic Foundation School Grant Program, Ulm Public Schools
            13   Montana Masonic Foundation School Grant Program, Kessler Elementary
            14   Consolidation Of Ponemah #63 & Thompson Falls #70
            15   Summons To Attend The 156th Annual Communication
            17   Annual Communication Rules Of Order
            18   Session Information
            21     Music With A Little Help From The Masons - Stillwater Lodge No. 82
            22   We Met 4 Times In 70 Years
            23      1717 Table Lodge
            24   Origins of Memorial Day
            25   Montana Masonic Foundation School Grant Program, North Middle School
            26   Montana Masonic Foundation School Grant Program, Choteau Public School
            27   Montana Masonic Foundation School Grant Program, Dayton Elementary School
            28   70 Year Member Presentation - Logan James Shedd
            29   Montana Masonic Foundation School Grant Program, Somers Elementary School
            30   Montana Masonic Foundation School Grant Program, Northside Elementary School
            31   Kalispell No. 42 Welcomes New Master Mason
            31      Huntley Project No.144 Raises New Master Mason
            32   50 Year Member Presentation, Alfred Minugh
            33   Montana Masonic Foundation School Grant Program, Saco Public School
            34   Montana Masonic Foundation School Grant Program, Frontier Elementary School
            35   Montana Masonic Foundation School Grant Program, Hinsdale Public School
            36   Montana Masonic Foundation School Grant Program, Radley Elementary School
            37      Registration Form, Montana Master Mason, 156th Annual Session
            39   Montana Masonic Foundation School Grant Program, Central Elementary School

                                                              About The Cover

                                              Developed by the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction Scottish
                                              Rite, the Not Just a Man. A Mason"  campaign was launched
                                              to educate the public and inspire our Masonic brethren about
                                              who we are and what we stand for as Freemasons. To date, the
                                              campaign is being used in 47 states and in more than 10 countries
                                              internationally. The campaign has been translated into Spanish,
                                              French, Portuguese, and a Russian translation is underway.
                                              The Supreme Council is sharing their entire "Not Just a Man.
                                              A Mason" campaign material with our Masonic family for their
                                              advertising and promotional programs, as long as they adhere
                                              to the rules in the campaign guidelines we have provided.
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