Page 22 - Mar Apl 2022 MF C.indd
P. 22

We Met 4 Times in                                                       Brother George Cowan
                                                                                     WM, Kalispell No. 42
            70 Years

       People are living longer as time progresses. 70 years    when I was initiated and I turned out all right.” And not
     of age is young when considering the age of recent U.S.    everyone who joins accepts the onus of teaching those
     Presidents. And during those 70 years we meet with         who come after him, and might balk at advancement if
     friends few times, unless we cultivate that friendship     told so before any ritual was started.
     from the very beginning. Masons can and do change
     the world around them by how they act and treat              We all have been embroiled at one time or another in
     fellow citizens, but Masonic training is momentary and     a discussion of lack of attendance and members halting
     sporadic.  We have to care and give our energy to one      dues payment. The past memories of what was done
     man a total of less than 6 hours over a total of 70 years.    in degrees and how members acted in meetings may
     Those few minutes can make a diff erence.                  be one of the keys to growth and stability. We’ve tried
                                                                dinners and movie nights and activities.  Perhaps giving
         Think  on  this:  we  only  really  contact  and  infl uence   this element one year’s shot might be worth it: just one
     Masons four times during their lives.  Those times are the   year to see if it works.  And memorization is much less
     three degrees and his funeral. Other than that we have     daunting if one knows what’s coming and how it fi ts into
     little we can do: most members stop attending meetings     the scheme.
     for any number of reasons, but if education instills a
     curiosity  to  grow  and  become    better,  that  education   In the recent past I have seen degrees planned with
     comes more often and more easily at meetings than          open slots and a fi nger is pointed saying, “Someone must
     one sitting alone at home.  We tend to feed off  of each   cover this section of the ritual….it’s you!” No one feels
     other’s energy and vigor for the quest.                    elation at the pressure of performing, especially a part
                                                                not individually selected or desired. The solution is to
       If you knew you would only contact a person once in      map out all the rituals and search until all parts are under
     his lifetime after he had requested help in becoming       the name of a person who cares. And too often we stop
     a better man, would you not consider his observation       looking past those who sit before us that night.  There
     and remembrance of that occasion?  How impressive is       are numerous members who might be re-instituted into
     it to see the top of a man’s head as he bends his face     the ritual if given a chance to perform what they did
     to try to read words appearing on his two inch  by four    in the past. Such a  phone call brings Masonry to the
     inch phone?  How impressive is it to tell a  person he is   fore in his memory. Such phone calls link brothers and
     not to write any of the ritual, and then stand in front  of    give them impetus to attend, if only once.  And it may
     him and read what you have found written or written        bring about attendance unforeseen, and interest in the
     yourself?  But memorization is a problem for some.         fraternity, and new thoughts from diff erent minds, and
                                                                variety in discussion, and a relation to the history of your
       Memorization  and  recitation  is  easily  excused,  until   lodge, and…who knows what else?
     one analyzes his own life. How many people say they
     can’t  memorize,  but  know  6  or  8  phone  numbers  of    When  asked  how  many  members  are  in  the  lodge
     friends off  the top of their heads? An elementary teacher   the answer is much higher than physical bodies in a
     once asked his class, “ What is 4, 8, 12, and 20?” And     meeting.  Utilize  that  number  and  bring  back  caring
     the answer was shouted out, “ Cartoon network, Hulu,       and performance to the degrees. Basically, your lodge
     ESPN, and NBC!”  We know and memorize that which           has only four shots at creating  a pleasing memory of
     we do lots. If something as enigmatic as phone numbers     a Mason’s journey in life.  Be a part of one or more of
     or television stations can be absorbed, it merely takes    those instances, and lead by example, showing caring.
     a person to assign importance to that one presentation
     for a candidate to bring the memory into play.

       Others memorize and perform, and those who read,
     and stumble, make a much louder statement to a new
     man  than  can  be  calculated.  Think  back  on  your  own
     experience and who impressed and was remembered.
     At this point we come to those who say, “Well, then I’ll
     just  let  others  do  it,”  or,  “It  was  good  enough  for  me

         Montana Freemason                           Page 22                         March/April 2022   Volume 98 No. 2
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