Page 19 - Mar Apl 2022 MF C.indd
P. 19

Concerning Balloting

      In  Anderson’s  Consti tuti ons  and  in  Mackey’s
     Jurisprudence,  we  fi nd  that  the  “immemorial  usages”
     concerning balloti ng and electi ng that it be independent
     and secret. The secrecy of the ballot is as essenti al to its
     perfecti on as its unanimity and its independence.

      Frequently we hear those who would propose that we
     change our procedures to match that of politi cal parti es
     or other organizati ons in the name of transparency but
     doing  so  would  throw  out  secrecy  and  would  be  un-

      On legislati on M.W.P.G.M.-Hon Dean Lindal (#5), Grand
     Secretary  1982-2001  frequently  stated  “The  only  good
     legislati on  is  legislati on  that  will  do  something  for  the
     Mason in his Lodge that he can see and makes the Lodge
     bett er.”

      Proposed Legislation

      Proposed legislati on has been reviewed and approved by
     your Committ ee on Jurisprudence for presentati on and
     that such legislati on is in proper format for presentati on
     to the Cra� . Presentati on of the proposed legislati on in
     the  Montana  Freemason  Magazine  is  for  informati onal
     purposes only. Please read the preliminary Jurisprudence
     Report  and  the  Advance  Proceedings  for  complete
     detailed legislati on.

      5070. Jurisprudence. The Committ ee on Jurisprudence
      A. Examine and report on all:
      1.  Questi ons,  documents  and  papers  requiring
     investi gati on; and
      2. Decisions upon all points of Masonic law.
      B. Review proposed resoluti ons and recommendati ons
     to  be  considered  at  the  next  annual  communicati on,
     upon  receipt  of  them  from  the  Grand  Secretary,  and
     recommendati ons or decisions of the Grand Master, or
     standing committ ees of Grand Lodge and;
      1. Prepare legislati on as may be required, together with
     a brief statement of the purpose and eff ect of them on
     Grand Lodge, and which will carry out the intent of the
     proponents; and
      2. Transmit, within 40 days of receipt of the proposed
     resoluti ons  and  recommendati ons,  and  copy  of  them,
     together with the brief statement of purpose and eff ect
     of each, to the Grand Secretary;
      C. Report to Grand Lodge;
      1. Its recommendati ons as to the legality of decisions
     and dispensati ons issued by the Grand Master; and
      2. The legal eff ect of any proposed amendments; and
      D. When appropriate, prepare supplementary legislati on
     to  proposed  amendments  and  prepare  legislati on  to
     accomplish  recommendati ons  of  the  Grand  Master,
     or standing committ ees of Grand Lodge, and report to
     Grand Lodge thereon its recommendati ons.

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                                                                                     March/April 2022   Volume 98 No. 2arch/April 2022   Volume 98 No. 2
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