Page 16 - MFM March 2016
P. 16

R.W. Brother Gardiner Installed as President
         Conference of Grand Secretaries In North America

           The Conference is comprised of 64 Jurisdictions throughout North
         America, extending from Canada to Mexico.

           The Conference of Masonic Grand Secretaries
         of North America (CGSNA) was founded
         in 1928, but traces its origins to an earlier
         organization. On July 22, 1891 the “Masonic
         Grand Secretaries Guild” was organized.

 2016 President David Owen, Grand Secretary-    The first attendees elected officers, drafted by-laws and
Washington                                    discussed various important topics facing a rapidly growing
                                              Craft. The Guild produced its objective: “to become
                                              personally acquainted; to agree, if possible, upon the best
                                              forms and method, and in general, to consult touching
                                              specific and other interests of Grand Secretaries offices and
                                              duties.” In 1946 the Conference changed its name from
                                              Masonic Grand Secretaries of the United States by adding
                                              “and Canada.” The next year it simplified the name to “in
                                              North America” as membership included secretaries of
                                              Masonic appendant bodies and charities.

         Members of the Conference of Grand Secretaries in North America (CGSNA)

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