Page 17 - MFM March 2016
P. 17

Montana Freemason                March 2016  Volume 92 Number 2

Past President Jerry Kopp,         R. W. Brother Reid Gardiner, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of
Alberta presented the CGSNA      Montana was elected and installed as President of the Conference of Grand
Gavel to the new President Reid
Gardiner, Grand Secretary-       Secretaries in North America (CGSNA) on February 23rd in Madison,
Montana.                         Wisconsin. The Installation was conducted by Installing President Jerry
                                 Kopp, Grand Secretary-Alberta/Past President; Installing Marshal Curtiss
                                 Mundhal, Grand Secretary-North Dakota/Past President and Installing
                                 Chaplain Douglas J. Campbell, Grand Secretary-Minnesota/Past President.

                                   At the end of the installation ceremony the Grand Secretaries normally
                                 close by forming a circle interlocking hands and singing Robbie Burns

                                 Auld Lang Syne. However, for this closing President Reid Gardiner asked
                                 MWGM Brian Murphy to sing “the Parting Glass” for the closing ceremony.
                                 Others present from Montana included Lady Jennifer Murphy, and Jerry
                                 Anderson, RWSGW. RW Brother Lewis Smith attended the Conference of
                                 Grand Masters but needed to leave prior to the installation.

                                   Twenty years ago R. W. Brother Dean Lindahl the immediate predecessor
                                 of the current Grand Secretary was elected as President of the Grand

                                 Secretaries Conference. Dean presided over the Conference held in Tulsa,
                                 Oklahoma in 1997.

                                 Conference of Grand Secretaries Officers 2016-2017
                                 President: ~ Reid Gardiner, Montana
                                 First Vice President ~ Terrance Shand, Canada (Ontario)
                                 Second Vice President ~ Mark Haines, Pennsylvania
                                 Executive Secretary/Trs ~ Michael DeWolf, Wisconsin
                                 Assistant Secretary/Trs ~ Richard Elman, Indiana
                                 Chaplain ~ Jerome Wasson, Alaska

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