Page 32 - MFM March 2016
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Montana Freemason  March 2016                           Volume 92 Number 2

    Let them focus on mentoring, or education              Berman, Ric, Schism: The Battle that Forged
 – whatever it is they want their lodge to be. But      Freemasonry, Sussex Academic Press, Brighton,
 above all, encourage them to strive for excellence     U.K., 2013, p.4
 in whatever they choose for themselves.
                                                          Kearsley, Mike, The Prestonian Lecture for 2014:
   Many a present-day Mason thinks Grand Lodge          1814 – Consolidation and Change. The First Year
will not let them explore these options, so we have     of the United Grand Lodge of England, Carrfields
to give them permission. And some ideas of where        Publications, Nottingham, U.K., 2013, p. 53
to start their thinking, like the ones mentioned         Ibid., p. 54
above. As long as they don’t alter the Ritual or the
Landmarks, they’re open for discussion. The funny         Beresiner, Yasha, “A French Masonic Certificate
thing is that none of the above is an innovation. They  & Associated Personalities” The Journal of The
are all things that Masons have done in the past!       Masonic Society, Issue 26, Indianapolis, IN, U.S.A.,
                                                        Fall 2014, p.31
   What will the lodges of the future look like?
Certainly there will be fewer of them, but the ones       Rebold, Emmanuel, Brennan, J. Fletcher, trans.,
that are there will be vibrant. Personally I hope some  A General History of Free-Masonry in Europe,
look like the Lodge at the Goose and Gridiron.          American Masonic Publishing Assoc., Cincinnati,
                                                        OH, U.S.A., 1869, pp. 113 - 154

                                                            Bullock, Steven, Revolutionary Brotherhood:
                                                        Freemasonry and the Transformation of the American
                                                        Social Order, 1730-1840, University of North
                                                        Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, N.C., U.S.A., 1996, p.

                                                            McLeod, Wallace, Ed., Whence Come We?
                                                        Freemasonry in Ontario 1764-1980, Grand Lodge
                                                        of Canada in the Province of Ontario, Hamilton,
                                                        Ontario, Canada, 1980, p. 53

                                                          Daniel, James W., Proceedings of the Grand Lodge
                                                        of Canada in the Province of Ontario, 2001, p. 236

                                                          Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the

                                                        Province of Ontario, 1990, p.75

                                                          from data compiled by M.W. Bro Terence Shand,
                                                        Grand Secretary of The Grand Lodge of Canada in

                                                        the Province of Ontario

                                                          Staye, Russell, “Masonry in the Round”, a speech
                                                        given in 2010 in Ottawa, Canada

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