Page 34 - MFM March 2016
P. 34

1851 RAY GUN

                      F. Lee Graves (16), Past Grand Historian

January 10, 1864…. Just after sundown.                   The Vigilantes met in the cabin and decided to

  Darkness was descending on the deep valley of        divide into three groups, each group going after a
Grasshopper Creek and the small mining camp of         specific Road Agent. They decided to act quickly,
Bannack. It was so cold that evening that Sunday       none of them anxious to do their necessary deed,
School and the church sing-a-long were cancelled-      since Plummer and his two cohorts were well

or so they said.                                       known to all of them. Wilbur Fisk Sanders led the
                                                       group to capture the sheriff who was nursing a cold
  Sheriff Henry Plummer was approaching the            at his in-laws’ cabin on Yankee Flat. Wilbur Fisk
small footbridge crossing Grasshopper Creek            Sanders was Grand Master in Montana in 1868,
connecting Bannack and Yankee Flat, he noticed a       and became the first U.S. Senator for Montana.
woman starting to cross from the other side. Being
                                                         Buck Stinson dressed in his Sunday finery was
the gentleman he was, Plummer stepped aside to         captured by a group led by William Roe. The third
let her pass. The sheriff saw that it was the wife of  Road Agent, Ned Ray was found by Harry King
Wilbur Fisk Sanders, a lawyer and prosecutor for       and Frank Sears’ group, drunk and passed out on a
the Vigilantes.                                        pool table at his paramour’s, Madame Hall.

  “Good evening Mrs. Sanders” Plummer offered          Frank Sears grabbed and secured the Navy Colt .44
                                                       cap ‘n ball from Ned Ray before
as he politely tipped his hat. Mrs. Sanders replied                                     he could
in kind not knowing knowing that less than fifty
                                                       grab it. The three               outlaws
yards away in their small cabin, her husband
Wilbur and a few other men from Bannack as             had                              their
well as Virginia City were planning
the apprehension and                                                                    hands tied
hanging of the
                                                                           and were escorted
Road Agent sheriff
and two of his deputies                                                    to the predisposed meeting
Buck Stinson and Ned                                             place at the mouth of Hangman’s
                                                            Gulch. They were marched to the gallows

                                                       which ironically enough, Sheriff Plummer had

                                                       erected the summer before to hang a horse thief.

                                                       Ned Ray was the first one hanged and was full of
                                                       epithets until the end. “There goes poor Ned Ray”
  The plotters        of justice,                      Stinson whispered as Ray was about to expire and
known as the
                      Vigilantes                       he was escorted to the next turn at the gallows.
were men of
                good  character,                       Stinson twitched but died much sooner than did
many of them
                Masons who could trust                 Ned Ray.
each other
                implicity. They wanted
to rid the      Territory of the grip of the
Road Agents,                                             Henry Plummer, the elected sheriff of the territory,
gang led by     a loosely organized                    turned outlaw leader and murderer, begged for his
                                                       life. Finally he resigned himself to his fate, and
and about       Sheriff Henry Plummer                  requested one last thing from his captors, “Give
                                                       me a good drop boys”. The Vigilantes granted
                thirty of his men.                     Plummer’s last request and did give him a good
                                                       drop, breaking his neck instantly.
  The Road Agents had an elaborate spy
system to let their ringleaders know of a shipment       The Vigilantes succeeded in hanging twenty-
of gold from the gold camps to the “states”or of
miners taking their gold to Salt Lake City or          nine of the outlaw gang which is said by Thomas
                                                       Dimsdale to have committed 102 documented
to Fort Benton. Sevearl robberies and murders          murders during their year and a half of a reign of
had taken place on the road going to Salt Lake or
Virginia City. Three miles north of Bannack on the     terror in mainly southwestern Montana.

stage road is Road Agents Rock, the site of many         Alvin Frank Sears, the Vigilante, who captured
robberies. Many a stagecoach driver and lone           Ned Ray and took his pistol, was active as a Mason
                                                       in Bannack Lodge No. 16 and from perusing the
traveler breathed a sigh of relief when they passed    minutes of the Lodge missed very few meetings.
the Rock unscathed.

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