Page 16 - MFM Nov Dec 2021
P. 16


                   Supports Patriotism

        o love your country is to love the ideals which bind
     Tyour nati on together. Patrioti sm is that inner feeling
     of  pride  and  devoti on  to  the  history,  the  customs,
     the rule of law and the people who share a common
     dream of a bett er life. DeMolay's lesson of patrioti sm
     is  not  all  pomp  and  bluster  but  that  of  thoughtf ul
     considerati on of the need for a military presence in
     the world and the creati on and preservati on of peace
     through the acts of good citi zenship.

     DeMolay's 7th Cardinal Virtue is Patrioti sm. Perhaps
     we shall never be called upon to defend our country
     on  the  fi eld  of  batt le,  but  each  day  aff ords  new
     opportuniti es to stand as good and upright citi zens in
     behalf of that beloved banner and our hallowed land.

     The Order of DeMolay honors and respects those who
     have served our country in the military, parti cularly
     those individuals who have paid the ulti mate sacrifi ce
     of off ering their lives in defense of freedom. But, we
     are quick to acknowledge that there is a patrioti sm of
     peace as well as a heroism of war.
     Many of our young men will not serve in the Armed
     Forces  of  the  United  States;  nevertheless,  they  are
     expected to be good citi zens who acti vely parti cipate
     in public discourse and who serve their communiti es
     well.  The  discussion  of  religion  and  politi cs  is
     forbidden inside the chapter (as it is in all Masonic    Congratulati ons  to  our  State  Master  Councilor
     organizati ons); however, patrioti sm and civic duty are   and  past  Master  of  Ross  C.  Jensen  Demolay,
     openly  encouraged.  No  DeMolay  chapter  can  open     brother Caleb Hedges. Montana’s newest United
     without the recitati on of the Pledge of Allegiance to   States Marine. Your family and brothers are very
     remind us of our duti es to our nati on.
     Patrioti sm  is  so  important  to  DeMolay  that  two  of
     our seven mandatory Obligatory Days (days that we
     are called to especially remember a certain topic or   I  promise  that  I  will  give  to  my
     person) deal with patrioti c issues. They are Patriot's
     Day (in February) and My Government Day (in July).     country an unswerving allegiance,
                                                            defending her honor with my life
                                                            if need be, her fl ag, my fl ag, and
                                                            her  cause,  my  cause,  and  that  I
                                                            will obey the laws of my city, state

                                                            and nati on.

     Montana Freemason                                                                          Page 16                                            Nov/Dec   Volume 97 No.5
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