Page 12 - MFM Nov Dec 2021
P. 12

Hands of the Workman

     George W. Craven, Grand Master 1934-1935

          eorge Warren Craven was the son of                            than twenty-five years and was Secretary
      Ga clergyman. Born in Helena in April                             when he died. He served as President of
     1871,  Craven  went  on  to  live  in  several                     Montana Masonic Secretaries Association
     other communities in Montana, including                            in 1929. He was appointed Grand Sword
     Corvallis  and  Bozeman,  he  graduated                            Bearer in 1926.  In 1934 George W.
     from  Bozeman  High  School.  After  high                          Craven  was  elected  Most  Worshipful
     school,  George  entered  Massachusetts                            Grand Master of Masons in Montana. He
     Institute of Technology.  After graduating                         was the first native-born Grand Master of
     with a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering                       Montana.
     from the MIT, in 1898, Craven stayed in
     Massachusetts to work for the New York,                             Grand  Master  Craven  presided  over
     New Haven and Hartford railway.                                    the  79th  Annual  Communication  which
                                                                        took place at Missoula. There were 135
      He went on to work for the Boston and Montana  chartered Lodges and 134 represented at the session.
     Consolidated  Copper  and  Silver  Mining  Company  The membership was 18,321. There were 313 Master
     at  Great  Falls.  He  later  became  employed  by  the  Mason raised and a total of 958 degrees conferred
     Highland Boy Gold Mining Company at Murray, Utah.  during the year.
     He returned to Butte in 1899 and continued to work
     for  B  &  M  (which  became  the  Anaconda  Copper      Brother Craven was a member of the Deer Lodge
     Company.  He  subsequently  served  as  a  member  of  Chapter No.3, Royal Arch Masons; he was a member
     the engineering staff of the Montana Power Company  of and Thrice Illustrious Master of Zabud Council No.
     and Anaconda Copper Mining Company.                    2, and Commander of Montana Commandery No.
                                                            3,  Knights  Templar.  He  was  a  Noble  of  the  Mystic
      In 1905 he was a member of the College's faculty  Shrine of Bagdad Temple. He was a member and a
     at the Montana School of Mines, teaching mining  Past Patron of Butte Chapter No. 39, Order of Eastern
     engineering, mathematics, drawing, and mechanics.  Star. He was also active within the Rotary Club and a
     In  1919,  he  became  vice-president,  the  first  in  the  former president.
     history of the College. He took over the position of
     President from 1921 to 1928. George W. Craven, was       M.  W.  Brother  Craven  had  often  been  described
     the fourth President of the Montana School of Mines  in this manner. "There is no sham about the man,
     (currently the Montana Technological University).      no guile, no side-stepping an issue, he was modest,
                                                            unassuming, courteous, kindly, generous almost to a
      He was considered an authority on hydrodynamics,  fault, straightforward, loving and lovable and witty.
     chemistry  and  other  sciences.  George  was  a  past  He had a high sense of responsibility. He left the office
     chairman of the Montana Engineering Society and an  of Grand Master with the love and respect of every
     active member of the American Institute of Mining  Mason  in  Montana.  He  was  the  first  Grand  Master
     and Metallurgical Engineering, the Montana section  since 1906 to visit every lodge in the State.
     of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, and
     the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.            Most  Worshipful  Brother  Craven  died  on  30
                                                            July  1936  in  Butte.  The  Grand  Lodge  of  Montana
      Brother Craven became a Master Mason in January  conducted Masonic funeral rites, followed by burial
     1903 at Mount Moriah Lodge No 24 of Butte and was  at Mount Moriah Cemetery in Butte, Silver Bow
     Worshipful Master of the Lodge in 1907 and again in  County, Montana.
     1910. He served a Secretary of the Lodge for more

     Montana Freemason                                                                          Page 12                                            Nov/Dec   Volume 97 No.5
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