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Montana Freemason  March 2014	                                Volume 90 Number 1
   The Montana Freemason is an official publication of
the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons              When reprinted, articles should note:“Reprinted with
of Montana. Unless otherwise noted,articles in this           permission of The Montana Freemason Magazine.

publication express only the private opinion or assertion
of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the official
position of the Grand Lodge. The jurisdiction speaks only
through the Grand Master and the Executive Board when
attested to as official, in writing, by the Grand Secretary.

   The Editorial staff invites contributions in the form          Please direct all articles and correspondence to :
of informative articles, reports, news and other timely                            Reid Gardiner, Editor
information (of about 350 to 1000 words in length) that
broadly relate to general Masonry. Submissions must be                     The Montana Freemason Magazine
typed or preferably provided in MS Word format, and all                                  PO Box 1158
photographs or images sent as a .JPG file. Only original
or digital photographs or graphics that support the                               Helena, MT 59624-1158
submission are accepted.                                          

   All material is copyrighted and is the property of the                              (406) 442-7774
Grand Lodge of Montana and the authors.                           Articles submitted should be typed, double spaced
                                                              and spell checked. Articles are subject to editing and Peer
   Subscription - the Montana Freemason Magazine is           Review. No compensation is permitted for any article or
provided to all members of the Grand Lodge A.F.&A.M.          photographs, or other materials submitted for publication.
of Montana.                                                   All photographs must be identified as to who took the
                                                              photo and the names of the individuals who may appear
   © 2012 Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and                     in the photo. E-mail all photos and articles to the address
Accepted Masons of Montana. All rights reserved. This         above.
material may not be reproduced, displayed, modified or
distributed without the express prior written permission of
the copyright holder.

                                                      About the Cover:
Cornelius Hedges, Born 1831, Died 1906. Served as Most Worshipful Grand Master
in 1870 and served as Grand Secretary from 1871 to 1906.

                          “There is one, and only one Masonic way to seek office and that is by best
                          deserving it. Office gained and held by merit is an honor to the bearer,
                          and to those who bestow it, otherwise a dishonor…There is more satisfying
                          enjoyment to the well balanced and trained soul in deserving success,
                          though not attained, th an anyone can feel by attaining it unde served.”

                                     - Cornelius Hedges,
                                      Grand Secretary of Mont ana 1872-1907

                   For our friend R.W. Brother Daniel Gannon

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