Page 5 - Montana Freemason Magazine March 2014
P. 5

Montana FreemasoMn asonic Charity ... anMdarochur20M14o	 ntana Masonic HomVoelume 90 Number 1

Thom Chisholm, Grand Master

MaTsohneicteindeetaslso. fThcheamriatynyarleessaoncosroef fForuenemdaatsioonnroyfhtehlpe                                                                                                     years as a member of the Grand Lodge Officer line. With
to provide training that will stimulate the mind and                                                                                                                                         that said, I believe it is time to re-examine what we are
mold the character of its votaries. Charity helps to do                                                                                                                                      MAosuctapctsuphopoenirettidiisnm, gaoenanotolyftchtctehhuiMprseaaewnstroo.inrtiiInfcogaHul,sroIomaaurmeen.danOefofrifstlittachateneerddntaettihanoraltaMy t3bah5rseoobtcnheordesyrst.
this individually, but also to better change the world                                                                                                                                       of the professional administration company is expected
around us. The concepts of charitable works help define                                                                                                                                      to exceed the available revenues needed to maintain
ttrwhheiceetihpcriieaevsnnitlotitonyofyfmtththhiaetety.wdcheoTmarhlridoist.nytshtiMorsauontgesohstttwomhfhteaealdnpt esoctuuhornaercfinortasymtuefirrosenrcittthaoybautlipestlehitndoe       current operations. This can possibly lead to the need
his or her position, and it allows for disconnect to the                                                                                                                                     mMetoxoahdsnaoruienasswit.caoHvInnaoimlttaihmbeeleeis,pmr(oainonnnccdeiipeiaslte.gcaaaiWnmn hosbtauertnustgIhgooalmifrnt-tgthsetewramitftiohn)ugtfnhuidisnsadttciihonaanngt
proprietor of the charity for reasons of security. To                                                                                                                                        concerns, and at the same time is not very “Masonic” in
make this relationship operate efficiently, both parties                                                                                                                                     its occupants. I have long considered a Grand Master’s
ohatfattvieten	udtdoeo,a, stthasukemedoeensaiuglnnevisnetolefonftdhheedumcchoilnairtsyiet.qabuWleenitcwheoosu.rkt acahnu,mabnlde                                                             motion (resolution) to address this issue. I also respect
                                                                                                                                                                                             HmthooemtpiooensBitwoioaonrudlodof fbmDeysitJrubecreitssoperrrsuv. eddenccoemCinogmfmroimttetehtehMat asusocnhiac
   Charity is often brought about by an individual
action. However, charitable works are often best                                                                                                                                               In recent conversations, I have learned that the
exemplified when done through a collected effort. An                                                                                                                                         Home Board is contemplating the fact that the home is
aMicdeenhaastouomonrfyei,cthfaoiHnsroniomnautdeuri.rvMeidDiaussuaaorlnipniidacgretbatrohocfeatthlheleeaerdrshlyfiaosntprodart/ryhoteroofacffrMfetialhoitaenitotea2nsn0attoho’sf              struggling, and the reality of a decision to close the home
Masonry. The charity blossomed with a collected effort                                                                                                                                       icaMslmocaslsoeotesfterh,taheItehshuaoopnpmpdineo. ,irAotansltlhcotoehwnacttslrouotsfhvfuieecrreiBseionoaftlaarttdhsimetmheMias(kacsesaixosnnambicemo, HnaostothGimosr)nea.fnotdorI
of the corpus of Montana Masons. Indeed, the facility                                                                                                                                        the occupants to find alternative arrangements, and we
was a sense of great pride for the fraternity for many                                                                                                                                       stop the unnecessary hemorrhaging of funds. I also
tdtoohueecrpiarrcdohreveaslir,adittaeiynvaedwnsapteshrloemamvteindeeenteeidtndogeafdtmhcsoeuemccnhhfeoaeanrdstisssifmosotfraofnooucurerr.oobuCbrrlooigtflhrlaeaetctireotsirnvna,enilttydoy,  strongly support the development of a committee to find
provide assistance to a brother when needed.                                                                                                                                                 a means to utilize the remaining assets of the Masonic
                                                                                                                                                                                             Hoincocomuuperatnolotspc,arolbvuairtdeeatosc.hoauIrirtaymb, rnocotothnteovrisunncakendndotwfhaanmtniwloyenm-hmaeavmseobtnehriecs
    	                                                                                                                                                                                        intelligence, integrity, and means to provide Masonic
   Within the past three or four decades, the long term                                                                                                                                      charity to those who may need it, close to their families
amfinubtatiouliinrtqeyteu.tneoMasstnaiuconsenyta.oGiTnfrhataehnneddquMMfuesanatssdiotoetnnrhissceahhHnaodvomemMeb’easesoehoncancsifucobpcHeauenosntmesdbeinroBotnoouagtthhrhdeet             in existing facilities.
members have studied this problem, and with it the need                                                                                                                                      oMthveaesrIhonotnhmilceigeh.pHtaoMsomtfoterthehrBeeiomecaoptrondocrftetoaorunnrtsplyrdt,ehesIaceteanndthecaaosv,uemIraboegetneeicontonhuperetaocrgsriaecsflttotehntsoeet
to maintain our Masonic obligation of charity. It is, with                                                                                                                                   support this difficult endeavor. The unknown is often
emphasized understatement, a very complicated issue.                                                                                                                                         times scary and unnerving, but it is well past time
TbpTleoheeacthlsodistseoeecdnimsdaioan, nimdnstaiatnwiwnyearMoesuabrosrofortnieucingchhldtehaetisodctieodtrhresyedfecolwrftaticfththhefaohririmotaymp.daeesTsscohiiosointuohelnidds.         for this decision. We have to take the next step and
end, it was determined that the home be opened to those                                                                                                                                      taaornmfadnacssmositinisoovtsanitnnitccmoeedpafoowdrreitfaofcenuartrnelynbptarromontvhoeiedwdreeslm;afooomnrdoeeorlutehfromaMrteomaaunsaoriinnncgithcfauaiHrnlisfotoymt.rhmeeI,
outside of the fraternity to assist with the ever rising cost                                                                                                                                dignity of humility, strengthens our position within the
of the home’s operations. This was a short term solution                                                                                                                                     state, and demonstrates our courage and leadership in
that provided some relief to the bottom line. Even more                                                                                                                                      the public arena.
opreprcoeebrnalettlmiyo,naosfpoorfpofetehrsaestiihonongmatlhece;oahmgoapmianen, yesfhwfiocariset hntietrlryem.dIttroealdliseiorf eatcodtdtthehdee
a layer of leadership, which many believe eliminates the                                                                                                                                         Yours in Freemasonry,
need for a Masonic Home Board of Directors.
   At this juncture, I wish to express that this writing is                                                                                                                                  Thom Chisholm, MWGM  Page 5
mwenaatnnirtyetlhayfetmerreyatdoheperirnteoipouenant(deaedltrhsntoeauengddhttohI irasesivssuigsmirtoetuhintediiessdssuhiena)rmeadnyd1b1yI
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