Page 30 - Montana Freemason Magazine March 2014
P. 30

Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference
    Social Media and Freemasonry

  During the 2013 Rocky Mountain Masonic                    • Freemasons need to be aware that postings are
Conference the Secretaries of the member                    a permanent record; and therefore an individual’s
jurisdictions were unanimously tasked to develop a          conduct may influence the world with a positive or
Statement on Social Media for the Rocky Mountain            negative image about the individual and also about
Masonic Conference. The member jurisdictions could          Freemasonry. Postings and actions on the various
adopt the statement for use. The conference consists        Social Media outlets should reflect the highest
of the following Grand Lodges: AF&AM of Colorado;           standards of morality and integrity that Freemasons
AF&AM of Montana; F&AM of Utah; AF&AM of                    practice within the Lodge.
Wyoming AF&AM of Idaho; F&AM of Nevada; and                 • Lodge notices, and information contained
the AF&AM of New Mexico.                                    within Lodge notices beyond the time and place of
                                                            meetings, should not be discussed. There should
  Within the Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference              never be discussion related to petitions, applications,
we recognize the presence of Freemasons on various          background checks or investigation of an applicant.
social networking sites is growing and it is drawing        There should never be a discussion regarding balloting
attention to the fraternity. When participating on sites    on an applicant.
such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, (and others),          • It is improper to identify any Freemason as a member
including blogs and on-line Forums, Freemasons              of the Craft unless he has provided his consent or has
should strive to make that attention as positive as         already identified himself as such. It is improper to
possible. When we represent ourselves as members            post of images, video, recordings, etc. of other Masons
of the fraternity, we become someone’s impression           without their consent. Posts must comply with the
of Freemasonry. As such, it is important that we act        Grand Constitutions, rules, regulations, and edicts of
accordingly and subscribe to the lessons we were all        the Jurisdiction.
taught as Freemasons in terms of how we communicate
and interact with Masons and non-Masons.

  Masonic Communication, oral, written or                   • Postings that are anonymous or posted by fictitious
electronic should display dignity, courtesy, fraternal      names should be avoided rather than encouraged.
respect, consideration of privacy rights, tolerance         Participation in discussions with those who most
and respect for religious, political and other views.       often are looking for discussions outside of what is
Grand Jurisdictions can apply penalties as described        Masonically acceptable should also be avoided.
within their various Constitutions relating to trial,       • To ensure our fraternity represents itself to the high
suspension, and or expulsion for un-Masonic                 standards we believe in we must regulate our actions by
behavior. Remember that the public and members of           individual restraint and through Brother-to-Brother
the Fraternity are reading on-line posts.                   intervention. As a Freemason, advise a Brother if
                                                            what he has posted is improper within the framework
Social Media Code of Conduct for Freemasons                 of our Grand Constitutions, laws, rules, regulations,
within the Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference                edicts and the general regulations of Freemasonry.
• Freemasons should conduct Social Media activities         • Contact and communication with other Grand
in a way that reflects membership in the Craft, acting      Lodges or their subordinate or concordant Lodges
in a way that presents a positive image of the fraternity;  must be conducted through the Office of the Grand
avoiding private piques and quarrels; being cautious        Secretary.
in behavior; courteous to our brethren and promote          • Freemasonry in North America is governed by
the general good and to preserve the reputation of the      independent legislative bodies known as Grand
fraternity.                                                 Lodges who exercise absolute Masonic authority
• Postings should not bring discredit to Freemasonry        within a State or Province. Only Grand Lodges can
nor should they fit within the definition of Un-Masonic     make authoritative statements, and these apply only
Conduct as defined by the member jurisdiction.              to their members.
Conduct contrary to the accepted and customary rule         Think Freemasonry in our minds; Feel Freemasonry
of right and duty between Freemason’s, or to society        in our hearts; Live Freemasonry in our daily lives!
in general is improper.

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