Page 32 - Montana Freemason Magazine March 2014
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Montana Freemason  March 2014	                                                              Volume 90 Number 1

Montana Masonic College                               Feb 22		     EVENTS CALENDAR
                                                      Feb 27
   The purpose is to help Brothers become better      March 4      -York Rite, George Washington
leaders, develop self-confidence, leadership skills,  March 14     Convocation, Great Falls
and become better able to deal others. Learning       March 22     - Proposed Legislation due at
in a supportive and interesting fashion, in small     March 22     Grand Lodge Office
teams and through on-line interaction, the content    April 1      - Grand Master at Judith Lodge
is purposely designed to be at a more intense         April 2       joint visitation with CMR District
and informative level. You will learn or fine tune    April 5		    - Annual Returns due at Grand
leadership skills and be better able to practice      April 28     Lodge
them in Lodge, be better able to assume increased     May 3        - Montana Masonic College,
leadership responsibilities and accountability. You   May 16       Missoula
will be provided more in-depth information of                      - CMR Distict Meeting, Roundup
areas of Lodge administration, finance, reports,                   - Montana Masonic Hall of Fame
compliance and problem resolution.                                 nominations due Prior to April 1st
                                                                    - Shapria Temple DON
   The Montana Masonic College will provide                        Installation, Helena
enthusiastic and committed Masons who will be                      - Cornerstone Ceremony, Plains, MT
both facilitators and students alike from throughout                - Proposed Legislation and Budget
our jurisdiction. All Lodges and Districts have the                due to be transmitted to Lodges
same issues and concerns: the Masonic College                      - Sagebrush District Meeting,
will help you find ways to deal with them. Please                  Miles City
consider participating at one of the various sites                 - Fort Buford Masonic Site
where the College will be held.                                      dedication,Willstion/ Fort Buford
                                                                   - DeMolay, Sweet Retreat,
    Saturday, March 22nd, at Missoula Lodge                        Fairmont Hot Springs
#13, 126 East Broadway starting at 9:30 a.m.
There will be a lunch, with cost yet to be set. We
hope to be done by about 4:00. The will be a cost
to attend.
For more information contact: RWSGW Brian
Murphy or RWJGW Lewis Smith.

                                                      May 24

                                                      June 26-28   - 14th Annual Communicaiton,
                                                      Aug 9		      - Mullan Pass Historic Lodge Meeting
                                                      Aug 15-16 	  -5th Tri-Jurisdictional Outdoor
                                                                   Lodge, Raynesford
                                                      Sept 13		    - Bannack Historic Lodge Meeting

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