Page 36 - Montana Freemason Magazine March 2014
P. 36

Montana Freemason  March 2014	                            Volume 90 Number 1

         Conference of Grand Secretaries In North America

                   Elect Grand Secretary Gardiner Vice President

  The Conference of Grand Secretaries in North              During the 1950s and 1960s, the CMGSNA met in
America (CMGSNA) just completed its eighty-fifth          Washington DC in conjunction with the Conference
meeting in Baltimore, Maryland. The Conference            of Grand Masters of Masons North America
is comprised of 63 Jurisdictions throughout North         (CGMNA). The Grand Masters had organized their
America, extending from Canada to Mexico.                 Conference in 1927 around the annual meeting of
                                                          the George Washington Masonic National Memorial
  During the 2014 Conference R.W. Grand Secretary         Association.
Reid Gardiner was elected as a Vice President of the
Conference.                                                 Each year the Conference publishes its proceedings
                                                          that contain statistical tables, contact information and
  Its been almost 20 years ago since the last time        a running index of topics discussed over the last 50
Montana had a Grand Secretary who was an officer          years. A progressive line of officers was adopted in
of the Conference of Grand Secretaries. R.W. Brother      1966.
Dean Lindahl was a Conference Officer from 1995 t0
1997 and served as President in 1997.

  The Conference of Masonic Grand Secretaries of                       Conference of Grand Secretaries
North America (CMGSNA) was founded in 1928, but           President: ~ Douglas Campbell, Minnesota
traces its origins to an earlier organization. On July    First Vice President ~ David Owens, Washington
22, 1891 the “Masonic Grand Secretaries Guild” was        Second Vice President ~ Reid Gardiner, Montana
organized. The first attendees elected officers, drafted  Executive Secretary/Trs ~ Michael DeWolf, Wisconsin
by-laws and discussed various important topics            Assistant Secretary/Trs ~ Richard Elman, Indiana
facing a rapidly growing Craft. The Guild produced        Chaplain ~ Terrance Shand, Canada (Ontario)
its objective: “to become personally acquainted; to
agree, if possible, upon the best forms and method,
and in general, to consult touching specific and other
interests of Grand Secretaries offices and duties.”

  During the 1928 meeting a permanent association                 Topics addressed this year included:
was created. The Conference had expanded the agenda       Tax Changes & 990 Returns
to begin discussing certificates of good standing,        Membership Development & Retention
interjurisdictional affiliation requirements and          Use of Permanent Membership Cards
standardized dues cards. Within ten years a majority      World Conference of Grand Lodges
of US Grand Secretaries attended the Conference as        Traditional Observance Lodges
membership included Canadian Grand Secretaries            M(MaansRodFndiacisncDduisrTse.iOcotn.oLroiofedcsogemsmnaotniopnrwobidleem) s with the
and non-Grand Secretaries as guest speakers. Its          Report of the Committee on Recognition
annual reports included tables of information on          Social Media, It’s Use and Control
dues and fees, dual and plural membership and other       FPrreoepmeratsyoTnasxUEnxievmerpsittiyon(asnfodroLno-ldingeesprogram)
statistics. Grand Secretaries’ contact information        Open discussion on topics of concern
along with their photos and the full transcription of     Masonic Service Association Report
each meeting were also printed.                           Masonic Model Student Assistance Program report

  In 1946 the Conference changed its name from
Masonic Grand Secretaries of the United States by
adding “and Canada.”

  The next year it simplified the name to “in North
America” as membership included secretaries of
Masonic appendant bodies and charities.

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