Page 37 - Montana Freemason Magazine March 2014
P. 37

Montana FreemLaosocnal Montana AuthMoarrcshS2u01p4	port Kindles for KVoiludmse 90 Number 1

                                                     Reid Gardiner (3)

  After hearing about the Kindles for Kids program, two We hope that as time goes on and with increasing interest
local Authors of children books stepped up to help support in the Kindles for Kids program perhaps more local
the program by making books from their series available authors will want to make appropriate books available.
for free in e-book format. We are very appreciative for More authors than ever are offering free e-books to their
their generosity and willingness to support the reading readers as part of some program. There are plenty of sites
achievement program. The e-book will become available that offer free audio books that are in the public domain,
for electronic download using a special key pass. We will written by very talented authors. Hundreds of thousands of
provide the information and the key pass identifier to the high quality books are freely available to download.
Secretary of each lodge that has received Kindles. There
will be a specific time frame of several weeks in which the
free download will be available. Also please note that the
free download is optional.

                                Kevin Olson - Author of the Tocsin Codex (Middle-grade series)
                                The internet reading world offers so much to readers of all ages
                             through systems such as Kindle readers. Simply the ability to read
                             off the internet many interesting and educational texts is amazing.
                             Even rare texts that would require a great deal of effort to access
                             previously are now available with several clicks of a button. The world
                             of educational and recreational reading material is now open wide. It
                             is a great thing for me to be able to share my books with Kindle readers
                             in connection with the Kindles for Kids Masonic reading program.
  Though I have for quite a while had and sold books in digital formats before, I had never quite
gone the Kindle route. Cornerstone Publishers is the publisher of the Tocsin Codex trilogy
of middle-grade children’s books and is a traditional book publisher dealing with Masonic
and related material for around two decades. Mike Poll was kind enough to offer an ISBN
number and any assistance. When I told him of the Kindle for Kids program, his support and
enthusiasm proved palpable. It is an honor to have been asked to participate in this program.

                                                                                              Kevin Olson, P.M. Butte Lodge #22

   ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Cynthia Berst is a fourth generation Montanan, who grew up in the
shadows of the Beartooth Mountains where she still lives with her puppy, Chanel. She is active in the
great outdoors, enjoying camping, hiking, and horseback riding. She is an entrepreneur and owner of
Bright Cat Productions, Inc. - a special events marketing company. She loves writing novels about all
things crystals, codes, and magic. The outline for the Auraling Series came to her in a dream.

Contact: cynthiaberst @
Write: PO Box 20044, Billings, MT 59104

  CRYSTALS & CODES (Auraling Book 1): In the mythical land of Pangola, an ancient book, the
SACRED ORDER OF THE CRYSTALS, foretells of ‘an Auraling of no color will be born in the Reign
III, and in Year 215, will ascend to become the next Keeper of the Records.’ Fifteen-year-old Norman is
an outcast in a race of Auralings, who are designated at birth into an apprenticeship based on the color
of their aura encircling their bodies. Having no aura, Norman is a disgrace to his parents, bullied at
school, and humiliated by the villagers. He runs away from home he meets Lady Grace of Graceheart
Castle, who helps him develop his own aura powers as he learns the ‘old ways’ of crystal magic. The
Lady teams him with four other young Auralings, each with their own unique aura, to embark on a
quest to decipher the secret codes of the ancients. Can they break the codes in time to learn the date of
the invasion by the alien Subina warriors? Will Norman be able to rally their nation to stand together
and fight to protect their life-giving sacred crystals? Or will their fate lead to complete annihilation?

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