Page 36 - Montana Freemason Magazine November 2013
P. 36

Montana Freemason           November 2013	                Volume 89 Number 5
                                                          are at an equal state and it matters not whether they
           THE RITE CORNER                                were rich and powerful, or poor and oppressed. Our
                                                          challenge then is to strive for equality among the
                                                          living and not wait until death equalizes all.	

         David L. Nielsen, Deputy in Montana                 Butte Valley put on the conferral of the 4th
                                                          Degree and communication of the degrees to
                  “Life’s Lessons”                        the 14th. They had two bright, young candidates
                                                          who wanted to understand what life had to offer
     As we get back to our usual fall routine from        and how to have a fulfilling one. All of us at
 a summer break, I want to share with you my              that communication discussion were challenged
 experiences and lessons learned. On the 4th of           and energizes as we discussed the lessons of
 July my wife and I flew to Manaus, Brazil to join a      those degrees. This insightful education is what
 medical mission team that was formed through our         Scottish Rite Freemasonry offers to its members. I
 church and a local doctor (who happens to be my          encourage the members to come to the reunions
 personal physician). We traveled up the Rio Negro,       and educational discussions to drink from the cup
 one of the tributaries of the Amazon, and went to        of learning. I think you will find that the lessons
 eight villages only accessible by boat. Though I did     presented are unquestionably relevant to our world
 not have medical skills to offer, my wife, having        now.
 been a clinic nurse for 20 years was great. My job
 was to help whenever and whatever. I did use my              I am pleased to announce the names of the
 rough juggling skills to entertain the people waiting    brothers in the Orient of Montana who have
 in the queue.                                            been selected to receive the 33° Inspector General
                                                          Honorary and the Knights Commander Court of
     We expected to see poverty in the villages but       Honour.
 except for pictures in solicitations for money I had     The new 33° recipients are:
 never looked into the face of “poor” people in other
 countries. I saw smiling, welcoming faces that liked        Stephen Marsh, Billings Valley;
 to laugh and enjoy life. The Brazilians are proud and       Rilling Williams, Great Falls Valley,
 sometimes slightly vain in their appearance. They           Roger Sherman, Great Falls Valley;
 like to dress nice and not show anything that is not        Leslie Saisbury, Helena Valley;
 attractive. Some of the older people who had severe         Douglas Stam, Western Montana Valley
 decaying teeth would not allow fluoride treatment           Richard Aspinwall, Great Falls Valley.
 because they did not want the dental hygienist to        The new KCCH’s are:
 see their poor teeth. Having a culture with vanity is       Llewellyn Fletcher, Billings Valley
 certainly not confined to Brazil.                           Michael Walker, Great Falls Valley
 	                                                           Robert Snow, Billings Valley
                                                             Leonard Reed, Great Falls Valley
     Getting to laugh with them, pray with them and          Kevin Olson, Butte Valley
 sing with them made me rethink what is “poor.” If           Don Holland, Billings Valley
 poor is not having a nice large house, three cars, a        William Jolly, Western MT Valley
 boat and more than one gun, then they are poor. If          Christopher Rubich, Billings Valley
 a person’s wealth is defined as having strong family,       Leonard Seymour, Great Falls Valley
 supportive community and friends, and fulfillment           Ted Bush, Helena Valley
 of life, then the Brazilians in these isolated villages     Terry Davis, Butte Valley
 are definitely rich and not poor.                           Marshall Gingery, Helena Valley
 	                                                           Jesse Gross, Western MT Valley
                                                             Thomas Hornung, Billings Valley
     In Scottish Rite we learn that after death, people      Keith Head, Great Falls Valley
                                                             John Samouce, Western MT Valley
Page 36                                                      Daniel Lehn, Western MT Valley
                                                             James Matovich, Western MT Valley
                                                             Charles Stein, Jr., Great Falls Valley
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