Page 32 - Montana Freemason Magazine November 2013
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Montana Freemason                           November 2013	  Volume 89 Number 5

50 Year Membership Awards

         July 01 through December 31, 2013

William G. Darnell		    Billings No. 113	                The Montana Masonic Foundation has expanded
James H. Pomeroy		      Euclid No. 58	                the Reading Awareness program to include Kindles
Paul E. Fischer		       Rimrock No. 149	              for Kids. The cost per Kindle from the lodge will
Dennis J. Brown		       Lavina Temple No. 101	        be $43.00 the Foundation will match the other half.
Thomas A. Kerr		        Victor No. 149	               Requests for matching funds for Kindles must be
Ralph D. Mower		        Bigfork No. 150	              received prior to December 12th.
Richard H. Lower		      Three Forks No. 73	
James R. Sayler		       Missoula No. 13	                 The instructions and updated forms are included
Melvin Williamson		     Ottawa No. 51	                with the mailing, and have been mailed to the
Bruce E. Getter		       Cut Bank No. 82	              Worshipful Master of each Lodge and are available
Wilmer E. Schuh		       Ashlar No. 29                 at the Grand Lodge Website. Remember to have your
Jimmie J. Sorrows		     Mt Jefferson No. 56           District Officer review the form before mailing it in.
Tom Sharpe	 (34)		      Cascade No. 34	
David C. Boulter		      Butte No. 22	                    Lodges will have the opportunity to continue with
David E. Wagner		       Billings No. 113	             Bikes for Books or Kindles for Kids or a combination
Elbert C. Fazenbaker		  Helena No. 3	                 of both. The match for funds is still a maximum of
James W. Treweek		      Kalispell No. 42	             $750.00.
Rodger C. Johnson		     Dillon No. 16
Alfred Hodkinson		      North Star No. 46                Under the Kindles for Kids program all Kindles will
Douglas L. Bensley		    Delta No. 128	                be purchased by the Montana Masonic Foundation,
Willard N. Hanks Jr.		  Morning Star No. 5	           the lodge will send its match check to the Foundation
Mitchell A. Lovely		    Ottawa No. 51	                and received the Kindles. A change to the Bikes for
James F. Jacobsen		     Chinook No. 50	               Books program: the District Officer will now have to
Ernest Tompkins Jr		    Friendship No. 37             sign off on the application form that it is “correct” and
Billy G. Spivey		       Ottawa No. 51                 the process is followed.

The 50 year Awar for the members above have been
mailed to the Lodges for presentation.
There are currently 79 50-Year Awards that have been
mailed to Lodges for presentation that have not
reported that the member was presented the 50 Year

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