Page 29 - Montana Freemason Magazine November 2013
P. 29

Montana Freemason       November 2013	                   Volume 89 Number 5

       Legion of Honor

                     On September 15, 2013 our           Bruce Lahti (34), Grand Treasurer, Commander
                   Grand Secretary, Right Worshipful             in the East and Reid Gardiner (3)
                   Brother Reid Gardiner received
                   a distinguished DeMolay award.
                   He was invested in the Legion
                   of Honor, which is the highest
                   honor conferred by DeMolay
                   International. It’s conferred on
                   a Senior DeMolay, or honorary
                   adults for outstanding leadership
                   in some field of endeavor or for
                   success in fraternal life, including
                   adult service to DeMolay.

  Brother Reid has been a great help to the Order of
DeMolay in Montana over the last couple of years,
providing support to our local and state chapters,
giving his time in providing Masonic History to our
boys, and by providing assistance to the Executive
Officer and the staff of Montana DeMolay.

  This honor is only a small token of Montana
DeMolays appreciation for all that Brother Reid has
done for our great order and the Masonic Family in
general. Without his support, and the support of all
our adult leaders, Montana DeMolay would not be
here today.

  From all of the DeMolays across the state of           State Master Councilor Jacob McDonald (90),
Montana, we want to thank you, Brother Reid, and         Reid Gardiner (3) & Sam Whitehead (3), E.O.
hope you will continue your support for years to
come!                                                                   Montana DeMolay

Respectfully submitted

Sam Whitehead

Sam Whitehead
Executive Officer
Montana DeMolay

                                                                                                      Photos by: Trever Howard (29)

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