Page 26 - Montana Freemason Magazine November 2013
P. 26

Montana Freemason  November 2013	                       Volume 89 Number 5

  Montana DeMolay Conclave                              State Scribe, and Danny Johnson of Sydney was
                                                        installed as State Ritual Director. Congratulations to
   I want to take this opportunity to inform all        these three and may you have a stellar year.
Masons on the progress of DeMolay in Montana. This
has been an exciting year for Montana DeMolay with         Again I want to thank all Montana Masons for
the reinstitution of Highland Chapter in Butte and the  their support of this amazing organization. Together
potential reinstitution of A.D. McDonald Chapter in     we are strong.
Kalispell. We are growing!
                                                          Shawn Ratchford
   For our annual Conclave this year, we tried
something new by moving conclave from July to              Shawn Ratchford (3)
October. This is a first for MT DeMolay and we are         Ritual Advisor- E.C. Day Chapter
hoping to make it a tradition. That weekend gave us
the opportunity to have more participation as most of
our kids are back in town from summer vacation and
all youth across the state had Thursday and Friday
off for teacher’s conferences. Another change was
shortening Conclave to 2 days rather than 3. In the
past, 3 days has given us more down time than we
needed, so this will also gave us an opportunity to
have everyone more engaged.

   D.A.D. Dan Massey of Billings Montana was            State Master Councilor Jacob McDonald (90)
in charge of planning our Conclave and what an                   and MWGM Thom Chisholm
exceptional job he did. He had a packed weekend
of Ritual Competitions, sports activities, and
brotherhood. One of our newest initiates, Brother
Sam Connelly, who is from R.C. Jensen Chapter in
Bozeman won our 1st Preceptor ritual competition.
Brother Sam is literally brand new and was initiated
less than 2 months ago. That goes to show how much
influence this organization has on our young boys!

   DeMolay had positive growth this year and won an
award from DeMolay International for meeting this
milestone. What this means, is DeMolay in Montana
initiated more boys than were received their Majority.
DeMolays cease to be active members at the age of 21.
This is great for DeMolay and we hope to continue
this into the future.

   Our Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother
Thom Chisholm was present on Friday evening to
give a speech to the boys and to present the secretary
of the year award. Thank you Brother Chisholm for
attending our formal opening!

   Three boys across the state were installed on        MWGM Thom Chisholm presenting Secretary Award to
Saturday night as State Officers. Justin Johnson         Earl Bricker (37) with Reid Gardiner, Grand Secretary
of Helena was installed as Deputy State Master
Councilor, Seth Liston from Helena was installed as

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