Page 23 - Montana Freemason Magazine November 2013
P. 23

Montana Freemason            November 2013	                                 Volume 89 Number 5

Montana Masonic College                               50RYuesasrelPEre. sPeinctkaettiton

   The purpose is to help Brothers become better         50 yr. pin presentation to Brother Russell E. Pickett,
leaders, develop self-confidence, leadership skills,  Sr. of Bigfork Masonic Lodge #150 A.F.& A.M.
and become better able to deal others. Learning       Bigfork, MT on Oct 22, 2013 by WM Michel Moore.
in a supportive and interesting fashion, in small     In attendance were family, friends, and Brothers of the
teams and through on-line interaction, the content    Lodge. Brother Russell’s wife Peggy had the pleasure of
is purposely designed to be at a more intense         pinning the awarded 50 yr. pin. After the presentation
and informative level. You will learn or fine tune    Brother Russ gave a short history of some of his
leadership skills and be better able to practice      experiences over his 50 yrs. of Masonry. One note of
them in Lodge, be better able to assume increased     interest was of his original Lodge, of which he was a
leadership responsibilities and accountability. You   member for 30 yrs., Samaritan #98 in northwestern
will be provided more in-depth information of         NJ, formed in 1869.When they celebrated their
areas of Lodge administration, finance, reports,      50th yr. in 1919 meals were 50 cents each for the 49
compliance and problem resolution.                    Masons and the horse feed was 20 cents each for the
                                                      10 horses, as some had to ride 2-3 hrs to reach the
   The Montana Masonic College will provide           Lodge one way. Cake and coffee were served after the
enthusiastic and committed Masons who will be         presentation. An enjoyable evening was had by all as
both facilitators and students alike from throughout  many had never seen a 50 yr. presentation before.
our jurisdiction. All Lodges and Districts have the
same issues and concerns: the Masonic College            by Peggy Pickett, Past Matron OES
will help you find ways to deal with them. Please           Bigfork & Polson Chapters
consider participating at one of the various sites
where the College will be held.
More information will be forth coming.

                       MWGM Thom Chisholm with the “Big Book” the secret work (ritual) of the
                   Grand Lodge AF&AM of Montana. The Grand Master is one of the Custodians o of
                   the secret work. The Custodians are responsible for the authorized Ritualistic Work
                   and lectures which have been approved by the Grand Lodge, and to preserve the
                   same permitting no change therein whatever unless such change has been reviewed
                   and approved. The Ritual is as important as in ages past and will continue to be
                   the force that sets Masonry and Freemasons apart from other Fraternal or social

                   The Grand Master currently has a Committee assigned to review the Work and
                   facilitate the combining of the Mnemonic portion of the work with the Monitorial
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