Page 19 - Montana Freemason Magazine November 2013
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Montana Freemason                                                      November 2013	           Volume 89 Number 5

(5) Neglect of the Catechisms attached to each Degree.                         and measson”. Dr. Anderson was educated at the
                                                                               University of Aberdeen, went to London and in 1710
AMtahsoolnl sMwashoicnhs  - This is a popular  term for  the Ancient           became Minister of the Scottish Presbyterian Church
                          originated from      the fact  that dukes            in Swallow Street, Westminster. He was a member
of Atholl were Grand Masters from 1771 to 1781 and                             of the original No. 4 Lodge that met at the Rummer
from 1791 to 1813 when the Ancients became united                              and Grapes Tavern., and is now No. 4 on the United
with the Moderns.                                                              register, the Royal Somerset House and Inverness
                                                                               Lodge. In his first “Constitutions” he introduced
    The third Duke of Atholl became Grand Master                               terms derived from Scottish operative masonry, such
in 1771 and his nephew, John Murray, succeeded him                             as “Entered Apprentice” and “FellowCraft”.
both in temporal title and Masonic rank after his
death in 1774. The fourth Duke created something                               LFraeuermenacsoenDewrhmoottwa(s172s0tr-o9n1)glyA  remarkable Irish
of a record in Masonic advancement in 1775, when                                                                                 opposed to the
he was initiated, passed and raised, installed Master                          “Moderns”. He wrote a Book of Constitution for the
of the Grand Lodge (No. 1 today) and elected Grand                             “Ancients” with the peculiar title of “Ahiman Rezon”,
Master - all in four days. Twenty-four days later he                           which could be very roughly translated from the
was installed as Grand Master and he remained in                               Hebrew to mean “A help to a Brother”. Dermott was
that office till 1781. Ten years later he was re-elected.                      installed Master of a Dublin Lodge (No. 26) in 1746
Lodges under the Ancient Constitution also became                              and then went to England, where he worked as a
known as “Atholl Lodges”.                                                      commercial painter. He later became Grand Secretary
                                                                               of the “Ancients” and one record describes him as
                                                                               “the most remarkable Mason that ever existed”. He
uUpnoinoninof  DGercaenmdbLeord1g8e1s3-bAentwaecetnoftuhneioGnrawnads  agreed  was a man of considerable education, and progressed
                                                                       Lodge   from painting to prosperity as a wine merchant.
of England (called “The Moderns” est. 1717) and the                            But meanwhile he “improved” upon his Book of
Grand Lodge according to the Ancient Institutions                              Constitutions and put forward four editions during
(known as the “Ancients” est. 1751). After separate                            his lifetime. Apart from being Grand Secretary, he was
existences lasting sixty years they were finally united                        Deputy Grand Master of the “Ancients” for several
under the Duke of Sussex the first Grand Master of                             years.
the United Grand Lodge of England.
                                                                               cAohnismtitauntiRoneszo(tnhe-reAwpeerecuselivaerratilt)lewgriitvteenn  to  books of
uAnrittiecdletsheoftwUonriiovanl  - This was the   agreement           that                                                                           by  Laurence
                                  Grand Lodges of  England in          1813.   Dermott, an Irishman, who was a staunch supporter
The articles were signed on 25th November by H.R.H.                            of the “Ancients” in early English Freemasonry as
the Duke of Sussex, Grand Master of “The Moderns”                              opposed to the “Moderns”. It is not known for certain
and H.R.H. the Duke of Kent, Grand Master of                                   what the two words stood for, but it is believed they
“The Ancients”. The latter Masons-mainly Irish and                             meant “A Help to a Brother”, worked out very loosely
Scottish had formed a rival Grand Lodge of England                             from Hebrew. Another translation was “Faithful
in 1751 because they objected to certain changes in the                        Brother Secretary”. Dermott, a commercial painter,
ritual, and customs, that the Moderns had thought                              was made Master of a Dublin Lodge in 1746 and
fit to introduce. For more than sixty years they were                          came to England two years later. He became Grand
bitter opponents to the original Grand Lodge formed                            Secretary of the “Ancients” and then wrote his first
in 1717. The Act of Union was finally accepted at                              Book of Constitutions under the odd title quoted
a joint meeting of both bodies on 27th December,                               above. Several issues of “Ahiman Rezon” were
1813 (St. John the Evangelist’s Day) and “The United                           published right up to the Union of the two Grand
Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons                                Lodges in 1813.
of England” came into being-and has remained the
sole controlling jurisdiction of English Freemasons
ever since.

kDnro. wJanmiens  lAatnedr eyrseoarns  (1684-1739) – Dr. Anderson,
                                       as “The Father of Masonic
History” was the author of the two first official                              Reprinted by permission of the Grand Lodge
publications of the Grand Lodge of England. They are                                             AF&AM of Iowa
the “Book of Constitutions” issued in 1723 and 1738.
He was the son of James Anderson, a member of the                                                                                                Page 19
Aberdeen Lodge in 1670 and described as a “glassier
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