Page 20 - Montana Freemason Magazine November 2013
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Montana Freemason  November 2013	                       Volume 89 Number 5

   I had the privilege of attending the 83rd Montana       Like many Masons, I am guilty of not being informed
Chapter of DeMolay Conclave, October 18-20 in           and aware of DeMolay, to the point where we often give
Lewistown.                                              it just a passing thought. ..oh, yeah, a Masonic youth
                                                        group that we have to support, give money to ...”. And
    Congratulations to Jacob McDonald who as State      we speak of them as if we as Masons are doing some
Master Councilor conducted a great session. (Brother    great and noble thing by sponsoring a youth group,
Jacob is a member of Lower Yellowstone No. 90.)         but we frequently are not inclusive of them or don’t
                                                        make them feel welcome. Is that true everywhere?
   To all the members who represented their Chapter at  Probably not, but it is nonetheless a reality.
Conclave Thank You for attending and demonstrating
why DeMolay is so important. To the Brothers from          How often have you heard or said “DeMolay is the
Friendship No. 37 and surrounding Lodges thank          future of Freemasonry.” I submit to you that statement
you for help. Brother Sam Whitehead (3, 105) the        is not accurate, or at best only partially true. The
Executive Officer and his staff ensured the Conclave    purpose- the real purpose of DeMolay is to help young
was to be a wonderful experience.
                                                                         men become better citizens. That is it,
   Most Worshipful Grand Master                                          and I would submit to you the purpose
Thom Chisholm had the opportunity                                        is generally achieved. Should our lodges
to address the Montana State Chapter                                     benefit from some, or hopefully many,
of DeMolay and spoke about the                                           of these young men becoming Master
importance of and challenge of                                           Masons. Then we have a treasure that
becoming better citizens. MW Bro                                         we need to help to continue to develop
Chisholm and I had the opportunity                                       as citizens, making good men - good
to also present Brother Earl Bricker                                     young men become - better men. But
of Friendship 37 the Secretary of the                                    do we have the right to expect every
Year Award. Brother Earl was on hand                                     DeMolay to become a Mason? I suggest
to help with Conclave and it seemed                                      that based upon the young men in
appropriate to present the Award at                                      DeMolay that I have visited with, that
Conclave since Brother Earl is a Senior                                  each of them could help our fraternity
DeMolay a member of the DeMolay                                          become better and stronger. But should
Legion of Honor.                                                         they chose not to become a Mason we
                                                        have not lost because they have taken on to themselves
   I want to express my thoughts about attending        much of the teaching that Masonry has to offer and
Conclave; this could be summed up in two words          will make our communities better.
                                                           I have stated repeatedly that I am very impressed by
                     * WOW DeMolay *.                   the young men who attended Conclave, and those of
   However, I am going to expound up that statement     you who know me know that I am not easily impressed.
a bit more. Most of my experiences with DeMolay are     These young men, members of DeMolay from across
limited to just knowing many Brothers who are Senior    the state, are deserving of our support, financially and
DeMolay and with limited experience with the E.C.       by Master Masons participating in some capacity and
Day Chapter which is sponsored by my Lodge. We          showing by example that Freemasonry is a logical
have among us in our Lodges many Senior DeMolay         progression for them.
often we don’t know it or are not aware of who they        I was pleasantly surprised and found it to be a
are; Brothers who have not only earned respect within   breath of fresh air watching them during the DeMolay
our fraternity but who by their example are better men  Degree, and in Session. They are well informed,
and Masons in part because of DeMolay. To name just     intelligent, fun loving young men who are enjoying
a very few of them: Leroy Lau (150), Bob Kampfer        the crown of youth and the transition to becoming
(34), Bruce Lahti (34), Bruce McGinnis (5), Earl        men. I have no doubt that the young men I saw will be
Bricker (37), Sam Whitehead (3), and a host of others.  good and decent citizens. And yes they can still make
And many past DeMolay Chapter Advisors such as:         a poor decision but that does not diminish the virtues
Joe Simpson (86), Tom Lund (38), Don Slaybaugh          that they have learned.
(64), Dan Massey (149) and Dennis Massey (149).

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