Page 30 - Montana Freemason Magazine November 2013
P. 30

MOonntanba Ferienemgasoan Man, a Mason, Naonvedmbtehr 2e01C3	 aptain of yoVuorlumoew89nNSuhmbiepr 5

                                        The Unknown Mason

Do you know anyone like this?

“Everywhere a few are found to stand firmly and unflinchingly at their posts, to front
and defy the danger, not for money, or to be honored for it, or to protect their own
household; but from mere humanity, and to obey the unerring dictates of duty. They
nurse the sick, breathing the pestilential atmosphere of the hospital. They explore the
abodes of want and misery. With the gentleness of woman, they soften the pains of the
dying, and feed the lamp of life in the convalescent. They perform the last sad offices
to the dead; and they seek no other reward than the approval of their own consciences.

                             These are the true Knights of the present age: these, and the captain who remains
                             at his post on board his shattered ship until the last boat, loaded to the water's edge
                             with passengers and crew, has parted from her side; and then goes calmly down with
                             her into the mysterious depths of the ocean: the pilot who stands at the wheel while
                             the swift flames eddy round him and scorch away his life: the fireman who ascends
                             the blazing walls, and plunges amid the flames to save the property or lives of those
                             who have upon him no claim by tie of blood, or friendship, or even of ordinary
acquaintance: these, and others like these: all men, who, set at the post of duty, stand there manfully; to die, if
need be” (Albert Pike, Morals & Dogma, p. 580).

Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Caring Citizenship
Empathy                            Courage          Fortitude  Honesty  Loyalty

“What the statesman is most anxious to produce is a certain moral character in his fellow citizens, namely a
disposition to virtue and the performance of virtuous actions”-Aristotle

Character                                   Ethics  Virtue     Morality

“Masons must be kind and affectionate one to another. Frequenting the same temples, kneeling at the same
altars, they should feel that respect and that kindness for each other, which their common relation and common
approach to one God should inspire. There needs to be much more of the spirit of the ancient fellowship among
us; more tenderness for each other's faults, more forgiveness, more solicitude for each other's improvement
and good fortune; somewhat of brotherly feeling, that it be not shame to use the word "brother."

Nothing should be allowed to interfere with that kindness and affection: neither the spirit of business,
absorbing, eager, and overreaching, ungenerous and hard in its dealings, keen and bitter in its competitions,
low and sordid in its purposes; nor that of ambition, selfish, mercenary, restless, circumventing, living only
in the opinion of others, envious of the good fortune of others, miserably vain of its own success, unjust,
unscrupulous, and slanderous” (Albert Pike, Morals & Dogma, pp. 122-123).

So, do you know anyone like this?

“Perfection is the aim of operative Masonry. Happiness is the aim of speculative Masonry”
                                                                                              ~William Preston

Until next time, we wish you much happiness!

The Unknown Mason

Please email us your thoughts at

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