Page 39 - MFM Nov 2014
P. 39

Montana Freemason  November 2014                                 Volume 90 Number 3

   Since the close of the 14th Annual Communication                  Economics of the Masonic Home
there have been many questions asked, many rumors          The following information is taken from reports
initiated and a great deal of frequent misinformation.     provided for the Proceedings.
In an effort to clarify to everyone the following is that
action as was approved and directed by the voting                Year MH Assets
members of the Craft assembled:

 Grand Masters Recommendation No. R--                1  ,00,30,000
   “The Grand Lodge A.F.&A.M. of Montana directs           1  ,22,,000
                                                           2001  ,3,0,000
the Board of Trustees of the Masonic Home of               2002  ,04,12,000
Montana to prepare a plan for an exit strategy for the     200  4,00,000,000
closure of the Masonic Home within six months and          2010  3,03,2,000
to include what assets should be sold, or kept, and        2012  3,104,0,000
what should be kept, and how to properly shut down         2013  2,22,0,000
the Masonic Home.

   The incoming Grand Master create a special
committee to find a means to utilize the remaining
assets of the Masonic Home, including the all the
legal entities and funds owned and controlled by
the Home, and the proceeds from the sale of the
Home’s real property, to provide charity to our needy
brothers and family members in their local areas.
This committee is directed to report its findings and
recommendations to the Grand Lodge at the 201
Annual Communication.

   This directive is issued under the authority
granted to the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Montana
in Paragraph 2 of the Articles of Incorporation of the
Masonic Home of Montana.”

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