Page 37 - MFM Nov 2014
P. 37

Treasure Lodg No. 95

100 Years of Masonry in Big Sandy, Montana
                     September 21, 2014

Master of ceremonies Glenn Ophus gave a brief          All of the masons then gathered around the “rock” for
review of the roots and tree of masonry that grew      pictures. The “rock” sign was recently built and donated
the branch known as Treasure Lodge # 95 in Big         to the lodge by Brother Ray Sibra, and his wife Amy
Sandy. He also reviewed the lodge’s early years and    to commemorate Treasure Lodges 100 years. It has
its association with the town in its formative years.  generated a lot of enthusiasm and was a real contribution
He then moved on to the featured highlight of the      to the success of our event.
day; introducing nine of the ten 50 year masons
of Treasure Lodge. Brother Reinholt E. Bitz-67
years; Brother Thomas M. Quinn-65 years; Brother
Robert W. Finke-65 years; Brother Fred G. Bitz-64
years;Brother Lionell B. Grass-64 years; Brother
Arnold A. O’Neil-62 years; Brother Leo G. Bitz-59
years; Brother Lindy H. Ray-55 years;and Brother
Bernard D. Ellingson-51 years. It was a great success
to have these nine honored Brothers in attendance.
Only one 50 year member, Brother Hal J. Lund-59
years was unable to attend.
 The event was graced with the presence of two Past
Grand Masters and their wives, Most Worshipful
Brother Donald Kimmel and Most Worshipful
Brother Jack Anderson and seven current Grand
Lodge officers including the Most Worshipful Grand
Master Donald Cerovski. All were introduced with
Most Worshipful Grand Master Cerovski concluding
the formal program with a short address.

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