Page 33 - MFM Nov 2014
P. 33

From the Scottish Rite                                            Bro. Lewie Fletcher (aka
headquarters at the                                               “Senior Chief”, figures a
House of the Temple                                               blown hamstring won’t
in Washington D.C.,                                               stop him after all and
Arturo de Hoyos kicked                                            takes the rope over the
off the Tough Mudder                                              wall. Indomitable will
event with education in                                           and persistence: look
Sacramento and later                                              no further.
with the Team. Pictured                                               The Team’s favorite
here with DI Ron                                                      obstacle: a greased and
Martin, Helena #3.                                                    muddy climb up from a
Bros. Rob McGill and                                                  trench to the top, which
Dorian Spencer help                                                   was easily conquered
Jason Bogstie over the                                                through team-work-
wall to get out of the                                                brothers helping brothers.
starting obstacle pit.                                            Bro. Josh Gardiner
The announcers told                                               leads the way, but look
the crowd to watch the                                            out: We have a man
Scottish Rite, because                                            down! Billings Mason
that’s how you do                                                 Chris Rubich famously
teamwork!                                                         takes 10,000 volts and
Tough Mudders boast                                               quickly scurries his way
a 74% completion rate.                                            to the exit. To the left of
Our first injury came                                             Bro. Ted is Bro. Dorian
early: Montana’s own     Spencer of San Diego, who returns to make sure that Bro.
Bro. Lewie Fletcher      Rubich is not left behind.
blew a hamstring. With                                            Returning Mudders
him for support from                                              upgrade their
the House of the                                                  headband from
Temple are Dean Alban                                             Orange to Green. Not
and Stand Dodds and                                               pictured is last year’s
their wives.                                                      Scottish Rite Mudder
Alessandro takes the                                              Rob McGill, who like
Funky Monkey like a                                               Bro. Lewie Fletcher,
beast.                                                            succumbed to the
                         course. All 14 Scottish Rite Mudders at Tahoe deserve a
A great Scottish Rite    hearty congratulations, for their support and dedication
Mason in action: Bro.    to getting Freemasons visible and engaged in causes such
Ted Upton assists other  as this.
participants not on our
Team down the hill.                                                                         Page 33
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