Page 32 - MFM Nov 2014
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Montana Freemason  November 2014        Volume 90 Number 3

                                  By: Daniel Gardiner ()

(Team in white, Left: Daniel Gardiner, Helena #3 (MT); Center: Alessandro Gagliardi,
Mariners #67 (NY); Right: Jason Bogstie, Oriental #60 (ID), all Scottish Rite Masons)

The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, SJ, again promoted Tough Mudder events. There
were two this year, one at Lake Tahoe, and one for the Washington D.C area in Virginia. Tough Mudder
endurance events raise awareness and donate a porton of their entrance fees for the Wounded Warrior
program. Participants may also raise funds (as Billings area Venerable Master Chris Rubich did). The Scottish
Rite proudly spports the Wounded Warrior project.

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