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The  Montana  Freemason  Magazine  is  published  by  and  is
        a  product  of  the  Montana  Masonic  Foundation,  Inc.  Unless
        otherwise noted; articles in this publication express only the
        private opinion or assertion of the writer and do not necessarily
        refl ect the offi  cial position of the Montana Masonic Foundation
        or the Grand Lodge A.F.&A.M. of Montana.
        The Montana Freemason Magazine is provided to members
        of the Grand Lodge of AF&AM of Montana by the Montana
        Masonic Foundation, Inc.

        All material is copyrighted and is the property of the Montana
        Masonic Foundation, Inc., and the authors. © 2012 Montana
        Masonic Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.

        Articles  may  be  reproduced  or  displayed,  modifi ed  or
        distributed with the permission of the copyright holder. When
        reprinted, articles should note: “Reprinted with permission of
        The Montana Freemason Magazine.”
        The  Editorial  staff   invites  contributions  in  the  form  of
        informative articles, reports, news and other timely information
        (of about 350 to 1000 words in length) that broadly relate to
        general  Masonry.  Submissions  must  be  typed  or  preferably
        provided in MS Word format, and all photographs or images
        sent as a JPG fi le. Only original or digital photos or graphics
        that support the submission are accepted. Articles are subject
        to editing and Peer Review. No compensation is permitted for   Cover - Representatives of stained glass windows
        any article or photographs, or other materials submitted for   showing  the  cardinal  virtues  of  Temperance,
        publication. All photographs must be identifi ed as to who took
        the photo and the names of the individuals who may appear in   Fortitude, Prudence, and Justice, see the article on
        the photo. E-mail all photos and articles to the address below.  page 6.
                                                                   It has been suggested that perhaps we actually
                                                                 need a fi fth cardinal virtue - that of Civility. The
                                                                 purpose of civility is to create the conditions that
                                                                 allow civilization to advance and prosper. While
                                                                 inoff ensive  behavior  toward  other  citizens  often
                                                                 helps, it is not enough. Civility requires engaging
                                                                 in  civic  dialogue  and  fulfi lling  your  role  as  a
                                                                 citizen. Because a strong democracy requires an
                                                                 informed  citizenry,  civility-at  least  for  citizens
                                                                 participating  in  a  representative  government-
                                                                 requires being informed.

                                                                   Or maybe better stated in George Washington’s
                                                                 Maxims:  “1st. Every  Action done in Company
                                                                 ought to be with Some Sign of Respect, to those
                                                                 that are Present.”
           Please direct all articles and correspondence to :

           Reid Gardiner, Editor
           The Montana Freemason Magazine
           PO Box 1158
           Helena, MT 59624-1158
           (406) 442-7774

         Page 2                                                                             Montana Freemason                                           November December 2018
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