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P. 6

The Virtues of Freemasonry

                                      Reid Gardiner, RW Past Grand Secretary

          In Section Four of the Montana Masonic Manual, we  in the democratic way of life and is a personal as well
        are told that the Candidate, as the youngest Entered  as  a  civic  virtue.    Masonry  believes  in  even-handed
        Apprentice,  stands  in  the  Northwest  Corner  of  the  justice  as  it  believes  in  freedom  of  thought,  speech,
        lodge the point of entrance upon instruction, there to lay  and conscience; always with due regard to the freedom
        the cornerstone of his Masonic life, midway between  of others.
        the  darkness  of  profane  ignorance  and  the  light  of
        the symbolic east. He is entitled to the most careful    So, what is a virtue? A virtue is a trait or quality that
        and  thorough  instruction  and  explanation  to  clarify  is deemed to be morally good and thus is valued as a
        his mind so that he may discover and understand the  foundation of principle and good moral being. Personal
        beautiful allegory of the Entered Apprentice degree.   virtues  are  characteristics  valued  as  promoting
                                                               collective and individual greatness. In other words, it
          His instruction was started in the Northwest Corner  is a behavior that shows high moral standards. Doing
        when  the  Master  presented  him  with  his  working  what is right and avoiding what is wrong.
        tools  the  twenty-four-inch  gauge  and  the  common
        gavel and explained their uses. The tenets, principles   Virtue has also been described as a habitual and fi rm
        and certain traditions and customs of the Craft were  disposition to “do good.” It allows a person not only
        outlined,  including  such  fundamentals  as  brotherly  to perform “Good acts,” but to give the very best of
        love, relief and truth; faith, hope and charity, and the  himself if he practices said virtues.
        cardinal  virtues  of  temperance,  fortitude,  prudence,
        and justice.                                             Within  Freemasonry,  the  Cardinal  Virtues  are
                                                               sometimes  referred  to  as  human  virtues.  The  four
          Good men of all times have practiced these principles  virtues play a pivotal role in our lives and, accordingly,
        of  conduct.  Since  Masonry  accepts  only  good  men  are called “Cardinal.”
        and seeks to make them better, the candidate's petition
        was approved after an investigation indicated that he    Temperance is that moral virtue that moderates the
        was a good man whose daily life was guided by these    attraction  of  pleasures  and  provides  balance  in  the
        principles. In Masonry, however, they take on added    use  of  all  things.  It  ensures  the  will’s  mastery  over
        signifi cance  and  must  be  constantly  observed  and   instincts and keeps desires within the limits of what is
        practiced, because with other teachings of the degree   honorable.
        they form the very foundation of the Symbolic Craft.
                                                                 Fortitude  is  the  moral  virtue  that  ensures  fi rmness
          Four  hundred  years  before  the  time  of  Christ,   in  diffi  culties  and  constancy  in  the  pursuit  of  good.
        Socrates  and  Plato  taught  the  four  Cardinal  Virtues   It strengthens our resolve to resist temptations and to
        of life. The early ritual makers drew much from their   overcome obstacles in the moral life. It is the virtue of
        material from the ancient philosophers, who set out the   Fortitude that conquers fear, even fear of death, trials,
        truth that is universal. Temperance means moderation   and persecution.
        all  things  in  speech,  thought  and  action.  Fortitude
        implies moral courage, that courage to stand for the     Prudence is the moral virtue that disposes of practical
        right against the wrong in every aspect of life. We do   reason to discern our true good in every circumstance
        not fi nd reference to the four Cardinal Virtues in our   and to choose the right means of achieving it. According
        work prior to about 1750. The Cardinal Virtues have    to Aristotle, Prudence is “right reason in action.”
        intrinsic value to the Mason and are certainly essential   Justice  is  the  moral  virtue  that  consists  of  the
        to Freemasonry. They can stand on their own within     constant and fi rm will to give their just due to the Great
        the ritual without any direct connection to the  initiatic   Architect and neighbor. Justice toward Deity is called
        experience or to Masonic symbolism.                    the “virtue of religion.” Justice toward men disposes
                                                               one  to respect  the  rights  of  each  and  to  establish in
          Prudence means common sense and reason. It is a
        human tendency to allow our passions and prejudices    human relationships the harmony that promotes equity
                                                               with regards to persons and for the common good. The
        to  dominate  our  thinking  and  control  our  actions,   just man is distinguished by the habitual fairness of his
        whereas prudence would prevent our emotions from       conduct toward his neighbor. Other Grand Jurisdictions
        outrunning our reason. Justice is an essential factor
                                                               have described the four Cardinal Virtues thusly.
         Page 6                                                                             Montana Freemason                                           November December 2018
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