Page 9 - Nov Dec 2018 MFM FINAL.indd
P. 9

 o                                          Practicing Civility
                                               David L. Nielsen, S.G.I.G.
 s        Several  years  ago,  at  the  Conference  of  Grand  intelligence  to  engage  in  civil  discourse  on  tough
 s       Masters, I saw two presentations on a need and calling  subjects without getting into the political mud. If we
 n       to restore civility to American culture and especially in  are to experiment in civil conversations on hot-button
 e       the political arena. One, in particular, was an exercise  topics, here are some suggestions that will help sustain
 e       in how to have a civil discussion on a topic that clearly  the civility:
 e       had political emotions. There were six participants —
 s       two for the proposition, two against and two neutral.    1) Be steadfast in keeping the discussion civil at all
 r       Some  of  the  ground  rules  included  the  participants   times.  Avoid labeling or prejudging others.
 l       looking at the others when speaking, not interrupting   2) Maintain eye contract.
 e       other speakers, and no use of labeling or demeaning
 d       comments.  It  was  interesting  to  watch  and  at  the   3) Be respectful of opinions contrary to your own.
 r       end, even though some never changed their position,   Remember that there is always a possibility that your
 l       recognized some merit in the opposing view and some   opinion  may  have  factual  or  logical  fl aws.    If  we
                                                               are honest with ourselves, we can all think of times
         even admitted a weakening in their initial position.  when  our  opinions  were  not  based  on  solid  factual
 e        The midterm elections are ten days behind us, with   or logical grounds. Genuinely listen to others and try
 d       some  rather  off ensive  and  even  rancorous  political   to understand their reasons fully.  Don’t just listen to
         advertisements  blasting  us  relentlessly  on  radio,   look for weaknesses and to prepare your “rebuttal.”
         television,  newspaper,  and  internet.  We  are  now   4) Use the discuss to learn and to share your ideas.
 o       leaving that environment and heading into the season  Don’t  expect  the  others  to  capitulate  and  agree
         of  Thanksgiving  and  Peace  with  Good  Will  to All.   with you. Spent more time listening, than in talking
 ,       How do we turn off  the vile switch and turn on the  persuasively.  Recognize  that  we  all  have  diff erent
 ,       kindness switch? Some families have strict rules of not  backgrounds and experiences that shape our opinions.
         discussing politics at the holiday feasts. In Masonry, we  People who have experienced economic depressions
         forbid political and religious discussions in the lodge.   and hardships from wars can have a diff erent opinion
         The idea being that we meet as friends and brothers on  on the cause and eff ects of economic failures and on
         the ideals that unite us and avoid the topics that divide  the long-term impacts of war—personally and socially.
         us. This is a sound practice for in-lodge conduct, but  Don’t expect a consensus. It is okay to disagree and
         the  reality  is  our  society  has  many  challenges  that  maintain diff ering viewpoints.
         need  thoughtful  discussion  and  dedicated  search  for   5) Most importantly, all times be kind.
         resolution. Once a challenge is identifi ed and proff ered
         solutions advanced by a political party, that topic now   This is not an exhaustive list, of course, but some
         becomes  politicized  and  off -bounds  for  meaningful   thoughts on technics to restore and maintain civility
         problem  solving  because  it  is  considered  politically   in  public  discourse  to  explore  solutions  to  society’s
         divisive.                                             problems.

          Masonry  teaches  tolerance,  loving  kindness,        Enjoy  the  seasons  of  Thanksgiving  and  Loving
         patience, and forbearance. Our challenge as Masons    Kindness and may you help spread these blessings to
         dedicated to these principles is how we can engage in   all you meet.
         problem-solving of topics that have become political
         hot  potatoes? We  can  keep  silent  with  our  thoughts
         secret to ourselves, or we can open up the discussion
         and hope to avoid being labeled as politically partisan.
         I  think  Masons  have  the  behavioral  discipline  and
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