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the four tassels. This includes the questions whether it  neither by the allurements of fl atter nor the frowns of
        is important to designate a specifi c tassel to a specifi c  arbitrary power. And hence this word is suggested to
        Cardinal  Virtue  and  whether  a  specifi c  tassel  and  the mason certain symbolic instructions in relation to
        Cardinal  Virtue  have  an  appropriate  location  in  the  justice.
        lodge room. In a review of Bro Murray's paper on the
        importance of the Cardinal Virtues and the tassels, it   In referring to tassels, Mackey stated that one fi nds
        addresses the correlation between the two on the basis   them  defi ned  as  the  pre-eminent  or  principal  virtues
        of comparison among various jurisdictions.             on  which  all  other  hinge  or  depend.  He  added:  In
                                                               the  18th  century  the  Freemasons  delineated  the
          It has been suggested that the 'cardinal virtues came  symbols of the four cardinal virtues by the acute angle
        from the Latin word "cardo," meaning "a hinge." Old  disposed. Thus, suppose you face the East, the angle
        Roman writers applied "cardinal," meaning the most  symbolizing Temperance will point to the south, it was
        important, to the four points of cast, west, north, and  called Guttural. Fortitude was denoted by a Saltire, or
        south, and to the winds blowing from those directions.  St. Andrew's Cross. This was the Pectoral. The symbol
        East  symbolized  wisdom;  west,  strength,  north,  of Prudence was an acute angle pointing toward the
        darkness., and south, beauty.                          Southeast  and  was  denoted  Manual,  and  Justice  had
                                                               its angle toward the north and was called Pedestal, or
          The  ceiling  of  the  Grand  Temple  in  Freemason's  Pedal. The possession of cardinal virtues is no special
        Hall,  London,  England  displays  the  Four  Cardinal  distinction of Freemasons, for other societies had them.
        Virtues  and Tassels  in  the  Lodge  room  the  Cardinal
        Virtues as being the 'Perfect Points of Entrance, to wit:   In the Canadian Rite, the relationship between the
        'Guttural  the  throat,  Pectoral  the  breast,  Manual  the  Principal Points of Entrance, the Cardinal Virtues, and
        hands and Pedal the feet.' Neither ritual seems to refer  the Tassels are summarized as follows:
        to "tassels."
                                                                 Pendant to the four corners of the Lodge room are four
          One article has given specifi c positions for the tassels  tassels. These four tassels are described as referring to
        as well as the Cardinal Virtues.` The article is a mixture  the four principal points the guttural, pectoral, manual,
        of both the Canadian and American rituals. This article  and pedal, and through them to the four cardinal virtues,
        places the tassels and Cardinal Virtues as follows: In  namely Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence and Justice,
        the northwest corner is Temperance which is related  the practices of which are inculcated in the fi rst degree.
        to guttural, since the throat is the avenue of the body
        which is most employed in the sins of intemperance.
        Temperance  refers  to  the  entrance  upon  the  penal
        responsibilities  and  'lest  any  brother  should  forget
        the danger to which he is exposed in the unguarded
        hours of dissipation, the virtue of temperance is wisely
        impressed upon his memory by its reference to one of
        the most solemn portions of the ceremony of initiation.'                    Explore Freemasonry
          In the northeast corner is Fortitude which is related to
        pectoral since the heart has always been considered the
        seat of fortitude and courage and hence by this word is
        suggested to the Mason certain symbolic instructions
        in relation to the virtue of Fortitude.

          In the southeast corner is Prudence which is related
        to  manual  since  masons  are,  in  a  peculiar  manner
        reminded, by the hand, of the necessity of a prudent
        and careful observance of all their pledges and duties,
        and  hence  this  organ  suggests  certain  symbolic
        instructions in relation to the virtue of Prudence.
          In the southwest corner is Justice which is related to
        pedal, since the just man is one who, fi rmly planting            Grand Lodge AF&AM of Montana
        his feet on the principles of right, is as immovable as          PO Box 1158, Helena, MT 59624-1158
        a  rock,  and  can  be  thrust  from  his  upright  position     (406) 442-7774
         Page 8                                                                             Montana Freemason                                           November December 2018
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