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Montana Masonic Books

                                  F.  Lee Graves, PM, Secretary (16),  Past Grand Historian
          From  reading  the  last  few  issues  of  the  Montana  Agent story at Bannack and Virginia City as well as how
        Freemason, I have noticed several articles on various men  our Montana Work (ritual) was formed and evolved.
        who  are  important  to  Montana  Masonry.  Basically,  they
        are the main ones who have honed Masonry to what it is  FOUR  FIRST  FOR  A  MODEST  HERO-  This  hard  to
        today. I would like to note a few publications that would be  get  book  is  an  autobiography  of  Vigilante  President  and
        good references for those of us who are interested in these  Master Mason, Paris S. Pfouts.  It was written in 1868 and
        important  players  as  well  as  the  history  of  the  Masonic  fi rst published by the Grand Lodge of Montana in 1968.
        movement in the Big Sky Country. There are other books  His  accomplishments  include  fi rst  Worshipful  Master  of
        as well, but these books appear to be the most used.    Virginia City Lodge No. 1 and fi rst mayor of Virginia City
                                                               as well. Four Firsts is a beautiful account of Paris Pfouts and
        EARLY MONTANA MASONS-  By Lew L. Callaway.  First  gives a great insight into the life of this most unassuming,
        published in 1951, this 44-page treatise appears to be one  humble and great Mason of Montana.
        of the fi rst attempts at acquainting Masons here in Montana
        with some of their Masonic fathers.  Lew Callaway came  Also recommended are:
        to Virginia  City  with  his  parents  at  the  age  of  three  and
        ultimately  in 1923  became  Chief  Justice  of the  Montana  FROM THE  QUARRIES  OF  LAST  CHANCE  GULCH,
        Supreme Court. M.W. Brother Callaway was elected Grand  William  C.  Campbell,  1951,  Privately  Published,  The
        Master  of  Montana  in  1904.    His  insight  into  Montana  Montana  Record  Publishing  Company,  Helena  Montana.
        history as well as history of Montana Masonry gives him  Volume I contains a 25-year period 1864 -1889 of News-
        a good basis from which to share his perspective of early  History of Helena and it's Masonic Lodges. The information
        day  Montana.  Two  other  books  that  M.W.  Brother  Lew  was compiled from the fi les of the Helena Newspapers: The
        Callaway  authored  were  Montana’s  Righteous  Hangmen  Helena Herald, The Helena Independent Record, and the
        and Montana Frontier Lawyer- A Memoir.  They are both  Montana Radiator.
        good reads and give an early insight into Montana’s early
        history, both territorial as well as statehood.        FROM  THE  QUARRIES  OF  LAST  CHANCE  GULCH
                                                               VOLUME  II,  William  C.  Campbell,  1964,  Bell-Arm
        QUERIES FROM THE QUARRIES- Prepared by Alvin T.  Corporation, Helena, Montana. Volume I contains an 11-
        Westdal in 1959 and issued by the Committee of Masonic  year period 1890 -1900 of News-History of Helena, and it's
        Education and Research, Grand Lodge of Montana. This  Masonic Lodges. The information was compiled from the
        booklet is a good resource to be used for Lodge education  fi les of the Helena Newspapers: The Helena Herald, The
        and is a limited source of good information for any interested  Helena Independent Record, and the Montana Radiator.
        Mason. I say limited because it has 123 questions answered
        in 22 pages, but is still worth the time to check out.   Perhaps  the  next  question  is  now  where  to  fi nd  these
                                                               books. You might check your lodge library or archives as
        ATTEMPTS  TO  START  MASONIC  LODGES  IN  a starter, or ask your Lodge secretary.  Secondly, ask our
        MONTANA-  By  William  Ray  Kohls.  First  published  Grand Secretary of he has any ideas. I am sure they are
        in  1964  this  book  is  one  of  the  fi rst  attempts  to  give  a  seldom for sale, but maybe an old bookstore or eBay may
        chronological history of lodges in Montana as they were  help you locate a copy. The fi nal idea would be to check
        chartered. The information lists a brief history of the lodge  out your library and see if the Interlibrary Loan system can
        as well as their fi rst offi  cers and members. Br. Kohls also  locate a copy. This is a free service, and it is incredible what
        lists the First Grand Historian’s Address by N. P. Langford  books they can fi nd upon request.
        delivered  October  8,  1867,  the  First  Attempt  to  start
        a Masonic Lodge in Montana in 1863 as well as a 1927
        address by Grand Historian Rae J. Lemert.

        THE  HANDS  OF  THE  WORKMEN-  Compiled  by  Past
        Grand  Historian  (1966),  Robert  E.  Miller,  this  book  is
        well  researched  and  has  much  useful  information  for
        those interested in Montana Masonry. One of the exciting
        stories in this book includes the laying of the cornerstone
        in the arch of the entrance of Yellowstone National Park at
        Gardiner in 1936. President of the United States, Theodore
        Roosevelt, member of Matincock Lodge No. 806 of New
        York  was  asked  to  preside  over  the  Masonic  ceremony.
        This  book  also  has  much  other  historical  information
        involving Montana Masonry to include the Vigilante/Road
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