Page 23 - August 2018
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from  the  perspective  of  Earth  –  thus  itself  alluding
        to  the  pentagram.  The  pentagram,  perhaps  due  to           Bigfork Lodge No. 150
        its  association  with  either  Pythagoreanism  or  as  an            Kindles for Kids
        elemental symbol in alchemy, is relatively common as
        a Masonic symbol and appears in the appendant body,
        the Order of the Eastern Star, as well as the Blazing

          The Star which guided them is that same Blazing
        Star, the image whereof we fi nd in all initiations. To
        the Alchemists it is the sign of the Quintessence; to the
        Magists, the Grand Arcanum; to the Kabbalists, the
        Sacred Pentagram. The study of this Pentagram could
        not but lead the Magi to the knowledge of the New
        Name which was about to raise itself above all names
        and cause all creatures capable of adoration to bend
        the knee. [Pike, Morals and Dogma, L. H. Jenkins Inc.,
        1947, p. 842]                                            Bigfork  Lodge  #  150  completed  the  Kindles  For
                                                                Kids program with the Lakeside Elementary School.
          The  ‘New  Name’  to  which  Pike  refers  is  almost   Shown  LeRoy  Lau,  PM  in  his  12th  year  working
        certainly  that  of  Jesus  (Yahoshuah,  Yeshua,  Iesous,   with the school. Bigfork continues to be an active  at
        IESV). This was Athanasius Kircher’s Pentagrammaton,    the lodge.
        which is formed by adding the Hebrew letter Shin to
        the Tetragrammaton (YHVH + Sh = YHShVH). From
        this perspective, the Blazing Star may be associated
        with Jesus. In Revelation 22:16, Jesus states, “I, Jesus,
        have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things
        in  the  churches.  I  am  the  root  and  the  off spring  of
        David,  and the bright and morning star.”  From  the
        Earth’s vantage point, Venus may appear as much as
        47  degrees  away  from  the  Sun. At  these  times,  the
        planet may be seen just before sunrise as the Morning
        Star – Jesus – and just after sunset as the Evening Star.
        The pentagram which lead the magi and to which Pike
        refers in this passage is almost certainly Venus.

         Reprinted from the: Connecticut Freemasons • July/August 2018

         Volume 94   Number  6                                                    Montana Freemason                                                                         Page 23
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