Page 18 - August 2018
P. 18

The Stated Meeting
                                 Dan Bartlett, ,                  y R.W. Grand Secretary, Grand Lodge of Maine
          There has been an ongoing discussion around lodges,    You have read it here before…all Masonry is local.
        districts and Grand Lodges about the Stated Meeting  The  lodge  is  where  it  all  happens.  It’s  where  new
        for a long time. And many of you that take the time to  Masons are made. It’s where we fi nd fellowship with
        read this article are suffi  ciently interested in our Craft  our Brothers. It’s where we enlighten our minds and
        to the point where you have heard these discussions or  care  for  each  other.  None  of  that  happens  at  Grand
        been an active participant.                            Lodge. We at Grand Lodge are here to provide support
                                                               and assistance to you. So, it is in your lodge where this
          We have some lodges that are engaged in productive  change in the Stated Meeting needs to happen.
        and  worthwhile  Stated  Meetings,  and  we  can
        honestly say worthwhile because they have Brethren       We have all heard the Closing Charge…We are about
        attending  the  meetings  and  leaving  with  a  sense  to quit this sacred retreat of friendship and virtue… Is
        of  accomplishment  and  satisfaction  that  it  was  an  your lodge a sacred retreat of friendship and virtue? It
        enjoyable evening. More importantly, they come back  needs to be. In colonial times our Masonic forefathers
        for the next one!                                      met at lodge because it was a retreat where they could
                                                               speak freely, conciliate true friendship, enlighten their
          I  recently  was  appointed  to  the  Masonic  Renewal  minds  as  well  as  provide  support  and  care  for  each
        Committee of the North American Conference of Grand  other.
        Masters.  The  Committee’s  purpose  is  “to  facilitate
        innovative endeavors of Masonic Jurisdictions as they    “Times have changed, and lodge systems have not
        strive to move the Craft forward.”                     progressed  with  the  times.  Members  are  no  longer
                                                               content to sit upon the benches and listen to the ritualistic
          One of the projects of the Committee is the Stated  ceremonies, and ordinary lodge routine-they must be
        Meeting  Project.  We  need  to  take  a  good  look  at  entertained.  If  they  do  not  fi nd  the  entertainment  at
        and rethink how our Stated meetings are conducted.  the lodge, they will fi nd it elsewhere. It devolves upon
        A  hundred  and  more  years  ago  a  Stated  Meeting  the  lodge  and  upon  the  offi  cers  thereof  to  make  the
        was  a  time  of  teaching  the  ideals  of  Freemasonry,  meetings suffi  ciently interesting so that the individual
        involvement in the welfare of our Brethren and their  member will say, ‘I’m glad I came, I had a good time,
        families  and  enjoying  the  company  of  our  Lodge  and I want to come again.’ George H. Fuller, a Past
        Brothers as well as doing the business of the lodge.   Grand Master and Grand Secretary of the International
                                                               Order of Odd Fellows said this in 1929! And here we
          Over  the  past  100  years,  many  of  our  Stated  are nearly 90 years later, and it is just as applicable.
        Meetings  have  slowly  become  nothing  more  than
        reading the minutes, paying the bills, maybe vote on     Is it time to be the agent of change in your lodge?
        an  application  and  schedule  a  degree  if  you  have  a  Numerous  writings  and  conversations  have  told  us
        candidate and a quorum, have some refreshments and  what a Brother’s desired expectations are when going
        head on back home. We hear it time and time again;  to  lodge.  Fun,  fellowship,  interesting,  inspiring,
        the  Stated  Meeting  is  boring.  Many  great  and  well- entertaining, doing something positive are among those
        known men joined our Fraternity, and they joined it  expectations. It takes time and a repeated eff ort, but it
        for many of the same reasons you and I did. It wasn’t  does work. There are lodges in Maine who have found
        to listen to minutes of the previous meeting being read  success when they have added to the Stated Meeting a
        to them.                                               program that fulfi lls some of those expectations. And
                                                               now they regularly have two and three times as many
          After all, is said and done; more is said than done. If  Brethren at a Stated Meeting as they had before.
        the lodge is meeting once a month and that’s what it’s
        like each time many members, especially the newer        Here is an example of a new order of business: Ritual
        ones are voting with their feet and not coming back.  opening  and  Pledge  (creating  the  Sacred  Retreat),
        I can’t blame them. There is a responsibility to come  Welcome, Business (minutes, bills, reports, Petitions,
        to lodge and take care of the business, but when there  old  and  new  business),  Meeting  our  Obligations
        is nothing else beyond that it is a short trip to “why  (enlightening the mind, caring for each other’s welfare),
        bother”?                                               Making good men better (conciliate true friendships,
         Page 18                                                                             Montana Freemason                                                                  August 2018
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