Page 22 - August 2018
P. 22

The Brazen Pillars                                                           f
                         The Mosaic Pavement And The Blazing Star                                                          t i
                                                  Jaime Paul Lamb                                                          e
          The  two  Brazen  Pillars  of  the  Blue  Lodge  –  one  marking the solstices, as discussed above. A properly   t
        surmounted with the terrestrial globe, the other with  oriented  temple  would  thereby  serve  as  a  sort  of
        the celestial – are said to be representations of those  annual, or seasonal, chronometer. This architecturally
        on  the  porch  of  King  Solomon’s Temple  [The Holy  deliberate  phenomenon  can  be  observed  in  many
        Bible  KJV,  1  Kings  7:13–22,  41–42]. They  have  an  structures  around  the  globe  [Hiebert,  Celestial and   S
        immediate  precedent  in  the  obelisks  of  Dynastic  Mathematical Precision in  Ancient  Architecture,           t
        Egypt in that they fl ank the portal and do not support  University  of  Manitoba,,            M
        the  roof.  The  presence  of  pillars  or  obelisks,  as  a  retrieved on-line].                                  S
        part of the architectural scheme of temples and other                                                              n
        sacred structures, may be a symbolic allusion to the                                                               N
        method by which many ancient temple structures were                                                                a
        conjectured  to  have  been  aligned  and  subsequently                                                            t
        squared. There are methods by which the shadows of
        precisely  two  standing  poles  (raised  perpendicularly
        by means of a plumb line to stand at a right angle to
        a level plane) may be used to determine the cardinal                                                               c
        directions  based  both  on  diurnal  sunlight  and,  more                                                         I
        accurately, by the biannual occurrence of the solstices                                                            w
        [Brown,  Stellar Theology and Masonic  Astronomy,                                                                  t
        Merchant Books, 2008, pp. 79-82]. Here we are again                                                                t
        reminded  of  the  Saints  John,  personifi cations  of  the                                                        w
        solstices.                                                                                                         h
          As two parallel columns, they denote the zodiacal                                                                D
        signs of Cancer and Capricorn, which were formerly                                                                 E
        placed in the chamber of initiation to represent                                                                   4
        birth and death – the extremes of physical life. They                                                              p
        accordingly signify the summer and winter solstices,
        now known to Freemasons under the comparatively                                                                    T
        modern appellation of the two “Saint Johns”  [sic].                                                                r
        [Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Dover, 2010
        p. 262]                                                  The Blazing Star, a fi ve-pointed star usually within a
                                                               circle, is often depicted in the center of the Checkered
          It has been suggested that mosaic patterns and tile- Pavement. This symbol is alternately said to represent
        work on the fl oor of ancient temples, from which the  the Sun, Sirius and Venus [Brown, Stellar Theology
        Checkered Pavement found in many Masonic Lodge  and  Masonic Astronomy,  Merchant  Books,  2008,  p.
        rooms is descended, functioned not solely as aesthetic  59]. The Solar interpretation is obvious, in terms of
        choices but also served as elaborate sundials [Brown,  the  Sun’s  Masonic  signifi cance  as  being  the  “glory
        Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy, Merchant  and  beauty  of  the  day,”  et  cetera,  but  the  theory  of
        Books,  2008,  p.  82]. Ancient  architects  utilized  the  the  Blazing  Star  as  a  representation  of  either Venus
        eff ects of sunlight in their designs not only to position  or Sirius provides us with much more substance for
        the edifi ce in space but also to accentuate its symbolic  our  contemplation.  The  Blazing  Star’s  relationship
        import. The trajectory of sunlight was directed through  to Venus (also anciently known as the Morning and/
        the portals of a building at specifi ed angles depending  or Evening Star) may best be illustrated by the fact
        on  the  time  of  year,  based  on  various  astronomical  that it is represented in the form of a pentagram. This
        cycles,  thus  illuminating  a  certain  area  within  the  signifi cance comes primarily from the fact that Venus
        temple  and  thereby  marking  temporally  signifi cant  traces a fi ve-petalled rosette at the completion of its
        events such as the equinoxes and solstices. This could  synodic period, which is 583.9211 days – the amount
        be  an  elaboration  on  the  same  premise  by  which  a  of time it takes for the planet to return its originally
        temple is squared – by the utilization of two pillars  observed position, relative to that of the Sun, as seen

         Page 22                                                                             Montana Freemason                                                                  August 2018
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