Page 14 - August 2018
P. 14

The Chee Kung Tong "Chinese Freemasons"
                                            Helena, Montana
                                            Reid Gardiner, RWPGS -  Editor

          Many years ago during the period of urban renewal in   Chinatown. The fi rst mention found of the Chinese Masonic
        Helena, Alice Ayers Schmidt Otten had the opportunity to   Temple being located in the building is in the 1897 Helena
        acquire artifacts that had been part of the fi xtures of the   City Directory. The address is variously noted as being 308
        Chinese Masonic Lodge. The Chinese Masonic Lodge had   or 310 West Main.
        been located on Main Street (aka Last Chance Gulch) in
        downtown Helena. Alice passed away on Aug. 6, 2010, at
        the age of 92. Her neighbor for 40 years was W. Brother
        Frank  Rice  a  member  of  Helena  Lodge  No.  3,  and  as  a
        result of their friendship in her Will, she directed that these
        items should go to the Montana Masonic Foundation, Inc.,
        Montana Masonic Museum. The artifacts are available for
        viewing  at  the  Montana  Masonic  Museum.  The  artifacts
        shown include an altar cloth and candelabra (Page 19) from
        the Chinese Masonic Lodge.

                                                                                Back side of Altar Cloth.

                                                                 The back of the cloth bears Chinese inscriptions reading
                                                               the  "Chee  Kung  Tong"  and  "Helena"  in  Chinese  and
                                                               "Masonic  Lodge,  306  1/2  Main  St,  Helena,  Montana,
                                                               U.S.A." in English. The front of the cloth shows a group
                                                               of  lions  in  a  couched  gold  thread  on  a  red  background.
                                                               Within  the  Chinese  community,  one  of  the  essential
                                                               institutions which served the religious and social needs of
                                                               the community was the Masonic Lodge; there were Chinese
                                                               Masonic Lodges in Virginia City, Butte, and Helena. The
                                                               Chinese Masonic Lodge (Chee Kung Tong) in Helena was
                                                               located at 310 Main Street; artifacts also show the address
                                                               as 306 ½ Man (306 Main). Photographs show the building
                                                               in 1899 and also around 1937.
            Photo courtesy of the Montana Masonic Foundation, Inc. 1
                                                                    Chinese Masonic Lodge Helena Montana

                         Back side of Altar Cloth.
          The altar cloth was probably used to cover the front of
        an  altar  table.    Similar  cloths  that  served  as  banners  for
        processions  are  displayed  in  the  Won  Lim  temple  in
        Weaverville, California, formerly also a Chee Kung Tong
        institution. However, the Weaverville examples, although
        they too  have  gold  couching  and  an envelope-like  upper
        fl ap, are narrower than the Helena cloth and have silken
        fringes. 2
          The  building  at  306-1/2  West  Main  was  constructed
        before  1884  and  was  taken  down  before  1937.  The
        structure is noted in 1884, 1890, and 1892 Sanborn Fire         Photo - Chinese Masonic Temple in 1899. 3
        Insurance maps as being a laundry  one of many in Helena's
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