Page 10 - August 2018
P. 10

"Louie Louie, oh baby, me gotta go."                  Brother Beard and MWPGM Brian Murphy

                                                              DeMolay members
                                                              attending Banquet.

                    Maggie and Gary Long.

                                                  Lorie and Gary Lay.
                                                                                  No matter where we go, No matter what we do
                                                                                   If you're there girl, I've got my eyes on you.

               2018-2019 Grand Lodge Offi  cers, Grand Lodge of Montana, Men's Choir.    MWPGM John Mangen
                                                                                   "All things considered, I like cattle better."
         Page 10                                                                             Montana Freemason                                                                     August 2018
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