Page 5 - August 2018
P. 5

duties President Roosevelt describes “to show himself          Montana DeMolay News
        in  every  respect  a  good  citizen.”  I  believe  we  have
        always said, “our main purpose in Masonry is to make               Sam Whitehead, Executive Offi  cer
        good men better,” and I would challenge all of us to     Having served as Executive Offi  cer of Montana DeMolay
        make good citizens better citizens.                    for the last thirteen years, I have been working on an exit
                                                               plan  which  will  allow  me  to  retire  as  Executive  Offi  cer
         We strive to improve upon Grand Lodge by putting the   in the next couple years. This will give me more time to
        Grand back in Grand Lodge by not exhibiting personal   devote to my position with the Veterans Administration at
                                                               the VA Hospital at Fort Harrison and more time with my
        signs of conceit, ostentatious behavior, or pretentious   wife and family and of course as a member of the Grand
        attempts, but by revealing our true love for Masonry.    Lodge Offi  cer line. I have been working with DAD Dan
        In fact, many of you have already heard my description  Massey for some time now and believe that he will make
        of PURE Masonry; Professionalism, Unity, Respect,  a great Executive Offi  cer for Montana DeMolay. This year,
        and Education to improve upon ourselves as Men and     Brother Dan was elevated and elected as an active member
        Masons. During last years Grand Lodge in Missoula,     of the DeMolay International Supreme Council, the voting
        I met a young Mason in the Men's room at the Hotel,    members of DeMolay International of which there are only
                                                               150 Class One members.
        and  he  stated  he  had  enjoyed  my  PURE  Masonry
        presentation  at  the  Masonic  College  in  Helena,  and   DAD Massey joined Loyalty Chapter
        I thanked him appreciatively.  As I was washing my  Order of DeMolay in 1989. He served as
        hands, I described myself as “a little diff erent, probably   Master  Councilor  of  the  newly  formed
        more touchy-feely than other Grand Lodge Offi  cers”!    Magic City Chapter in 1992.  He joined
                                                               the State Offi  cer Team that same year as
        I heard the restroom door close, and I never saw the   the  State  Sweetheart  Director  followed
        Brother again…..                                       by  the  State  Conclave  Director,  State
                                                               Junior  Councilor,  and  State  Senior
          Brother Benjamin Franklin stated; “Masonic labor is  Councilor,  and  fi nally  State  Master     DAD Dan Massey
        purely a labor of love. He who seeks to draw Masonic  Councilor in 1996-1997. After his SMC term, he received
        wages  in  gold  and  silver  will  be  disappointed.  The   his majority and degree of Chevalier in 1997. After serving
        wages of a Mason are in the dealings with one another;   our country in the United States Air Force and attending
                                                               college  on  an  ROTC  scholarship  from  1997-2011,  he
        sympathy begets sympathy, kindness begets kindness,    returned to Montana to run the family business. He became
        helpfulness  begets  helpfulness,  and  these  are  the   an  Advisor  in  2011  for  Magic  city  DeMolay  chapter  in
        wages of a Mason.                                      Billings, MT, and was awarded the Guild of the Leather
                                                               Apron  the  following  year  for  his  service  to  Magic  City
         Our love for our Brotherhood must be worn on our  chapter and Montana DeMolay.
        sleeves, but more importantly in our hearts. We must     In  2012  he  decided  to  join  the  Montana  DeMolay
        choose to show our desire to help one another by truly   Executive offi  cer staff  as the convention advisor.  He took
        serving the Craft and thinking about the betterment of  it  upon  himself  to  expand  our  convention  and  make  it
        our Brothers. I hope we can defi ne ourselves by the  bigger and better, and he has succeeded in that eff ort. He
        quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Do not go where  was also the one that decided to go to the joint convention
        the path may lead; Go instead where there is no path   with Montana Job’s Daughters. We will be going on our
        and leave a trail.”                                    4th  year,  and  it  is  getting  bigger  and  better  every  year.
                                                               He is still to this day managing and planning all masonic
                                                               youth  conventions.  In  2014  he  was  promoted  to  Deputy
                                                               Executive Offi  cer of Montana DeMolay, and at the session
                                                               in  2014  he  was  made  a  deputy  Member  of  the  ISC.  His
                                                               dedication to DeMolay is unmatched by anyone that I have
                                                               ever met.  When I do retire, he will be well prepared to
                                                               take over as Executive Offi  cer. In 2014 he was honored as
                                                               an active legion of honor for his tireless dedication to all
                                                               of  DeMolay.  Not  only  is  he  Deputy  EO  and  Convention
                                                               advisor he is also the Chapter advisor and chairman of his
                                                               local chapter. To further his education in DeMolay he took
                                                               JMT at session in 2016.

                                                                 Not  only  is  he  active  in  DeMolay  he  is  a  member  of
                                                               Rimrock  Lodge  #149,  a  member  Al  Bedoo  shrine  and
                                                               Billings  Valley  Scottish  Rite.  He  has  been  an  aid  to  the
                                                               potentate for the shrine and has held several positions in the
                                                               Scottish Rite.  This year he was honored with the KCCH
                                                               for his service to the Scottish Rite.
         Volume 94   Number  6                                                    Montana Freemason                                                                      Page 5
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