Page 4 - August 2018
P. 4

From the Desk of                                                                  the Grand Master

                                  As my beloved and endeared  community and surrounding area, I am quite positively
                                young  daughter,  Jaki  and  content of the ability to reach out to a special Uncle to
                                her  best  friend, Ayanna,  left  Jaki, as there are already several in her mind to aid and
                                last Friday to “shop till they  assist her in any way possible.  We all know as Brother
                                drop”,  explore,  and  perform  Masons,  to  aid  and  assist,  and  I  am  positive  of  any
                                reconnaissance  missions  in  unexpected daughterly issues, problems, or situations,
                                Billings, with my credit card  of my Brothers to provide any aid and assistance to
                                the future site of their college  my Jaki. My only hope is they notify me if they have
                                education  at  MSU-Billings,  to bond her out.
                                which  I  will  forever  call
                                Eastern,  as  I  attended    both   In fact, our ultimate duties as Grand Lodge Offi  cers
                                Western and Northern. It was  is  to  aid  and  assist  our  Brothers  in  our  Craft  in  a
        Bro. Jeff  Harada, MWGM  with  truly  mixed  emotions  variety of ways designed to off er worthy assistance to
        as  I  totally  realize  she  will  be  leaving  Labor  Day  individual Brothers. I know our district duties as Grand
        weekend  to  start  her  undergraduate  education.  So,  Lodge Offi  cers may seem mundane and ineff ective to
        as  I  reluctantly  relinquished  my  credit  card  for  fuel  some of the Craft. However, we hope and truly desire
        and food, Jaki promised to reimburse me. I know at  to put the Grand back in Grand Lodge by empowering
        this  personal  stage  in  my  life,  I  have  done  my  best  each Grand Lodge Offi  cer to literally off er more to our
        to raise my 2 children and to hopefully prepare them  Lodges than the systematic sampling of spaghetti at
        adequately for the diff erent stages of this wonderful  a Lodge dinner. We will serve the Craft with Honor,
        God Blessed life we have on this Earth.                Humility, and the Grand desire to not only improve
                                                               ourselves  as  Masons  but  to  improve  Masonry  in
          During  Eastern’s  college  orientation  weekend,  we  Montana. We have outlined specifi c district duties to
        spent a portion of the afternoon in one of the classrooms,  not only continue our district Lodge visits but to fi nd
        as a group of parents discussing the upcoming empty  worthy Brothers, their widows, and orphans to provide
        nest  syndrome.  We  discussed  the  diff erences  as  aid and assistance.
        parents to send our children off  to various universities
        around the country. I informed the other parents of the   Theodore  Roosevelt  has  off ered  these  words  way
        reception day at the United States Military Academy  more eloquent than I: I ask of each Mason, of each
        at West Point, NY, and you were advised you had 90  member, of each brother, that he shall remember ever
        seconds to say good bye to your new Cadet. Later, a  that there is upon him a peculiar obligation to show
        group  of  1100  newly  sworn  Cadets  marched  by  the  himself in every respect a good citizen; for, after all,
        families on a huge parade fi eld, and we were all very  the way he can best do his duty by the ancient order
        positive we could pick out our loved ones dressed in  to which he belongs is by refl ecting credit upon that
        Grey  uniform  pants,  white  short  sleeved  shirts,  and  order by way in which he performs his duty as a citizen
        white hats.                                            of the United States.

          Back  to  the  point  of  my  daughter  traveling  off   to   We need to accept the simple request of President
        Billings for college this Labor Day weekend, and my  Roosevelt by performing our duties not only as Grand
        worries  about  her  well-being,  safety,  home-sickness  Lodge Offi  cers but as we perform our duties as citizens
        for her “dear old Daddy” and the absence of a home- and Brothers. Our absolute goal to perform the duties
        cooked  meal  as  Jaki  becomes  accustomed  to  the  of  our  obligation  as  your  District  Offi  cers  does  not
        dormitory life. It would be safe for me to eff ectively  change the manner in which all Masons perform our
        cut  the  apron  strings  or  maybe  appropriately  my  duties as citizens of the United States. As I mention
        Kimono straps.                                         the  ultimate  necessity  of  all  Montana  Masons  to
                                                               emphatically know and understand their specifi c roles
          But truly knowing in my heart and mind and soul  in the Grand Lodge of Montana, in which all Montana
        of the hundreds of my Brother Masons in the Billings  Masons  belong.  It  is  imperative  to  remember  our

         Page 4                                                                             Montana Freemason                                                                     August 2018
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