Page 7 - August 2018
P. 7

The Hands of the Workmen

                                         Reid Gardiner, R.W. Past Grand Secretary, Editor

                Henry Lupin Frank                                         Note: The Jewish Grand Masters of the Grand
                40th Grand Master                                        Lodge  of  Montana  included:  Sol  Starr,  Moses

          Henry L. Frank was born in Ironton, Ohio,                      Morris, Sol Hepner and Henry L. Frank.
        July  5,  1851.  He  was  educated  in  Ironton’s
        public  schools  and  obtained  his  mercantile                   Notes  from  the Archives  -  by  John  Hughes,
        knowledge  by  working  in  his  father's  store.                Archivist  at  the  Butte-Silver  Bow  Archives.
        After  leaving  home,  he  spent  two  years  in                 Prior  to  1893,  the  mayor  of  Butte  was  elected
        Colorado and New Mexico and then moved to                        to a one-year term. Although three mayors were
        Butte in 1877. Henry Frank was a prominent                       elected to more than one consecutive term until
        early  Jewish  businessman  he  became  the                      Lewis Duncan in 1913. The strange thing about
        owner of a log cabin saloon, later he engaged                    the  lists  of  Butte  mayors  published  over  the
        in the retail and wholesale liquor business in                   years is that the year 1886-87 is unaccountably
        Butte. Brother Frank founded the Butte Water                     missing. A check back through the city records
        Company  and  the  Silver  Bow  Electric  Company.  He           shows that H. L. Frank, who had been elected in
        owned  the  Southern  Cross  gold  mine.  Henry  Frank  was   1885, was still signing city ordinances through April 1887.
        on the Executive Board of the Montana School of Mines.   Thus Frank is the "phantom" mayor of 1886-87, and he is
        He served as mayor from 1885-87 and served two terms   also the fi rst man elected to the offi  ce twice in succession.
        in  the  Montana  Legislature  1889-1891.    In  1886,  Henry
        Frank  was  the  chosen  as  a  Presidential  Elector  of  the   In  1900,  Henry  Frank  and  Sam  Gebo  formed  the
        Democratic  National  Convention.  Henry  Frank  was  also   Canadian  American  Coal  and  Coke  Company.  In  1901.
        appointed a Commissioner for the State of Montana at the   Frank  and  Gebo  developed  the  fi rst  of  many  coal  mines
        Pan-American exposition, in Buff alo, New York. He fi lled   in the Crowsnest Pass, around Turtle Mountain in Alberta,
        the  same  role  at  the  Louisiana  Purchase  Exposition  also    Canada. In May that year, the fi rst buildings were erected
        known as the St Louis World’s Fair, in 1903. Bro. Frank   in  the  new  community  of  Frank,  located  on  fl at  land
        was  interested  in  mines  in  Montana,  Idaho,  and Alberta   between the Canadian Pacifi c Railway tracks and the mine.
        which added materially to his wealth. He was the founder   Frank  became  the  fi rst  incorporated  village  in  the  Pass
        of the town of Frank, Alberta, Canada. He as liberal in his   and by 1903 and served 1000 people. A mountain slide in
        giving and very enterprising, he had many friends and was   destroyed much of the mines infrastructure, several rural
        popular wherever known.                                businesses, and some homes. However a period of decline
                                                               soon followed, fears of a second slide led to a government-
          Brother Frank received his degrees in Livingston Lodge   ordered  closure  of  the  south  townsite  in  1911.  By  1905
        No. 32 where he was raised to the sublime degree of Master   Frank is a quiet residential community of about 200 people.
        Mason on February 19th, 1874. He helped form Silver Bow   It was formerly incorporated as a village prior to 1979 when
        Lodge U.D., and served as the fi rst Master of Silver Bow   it amalgamated with four other municipalities to form the
        Lodge No. 48. His administration was most creditable to   community of Crowsnest Pass.
        himself  and  valuable  to  the  Grand  Lodge.  He  visited  all
        the  Lodges  at  his  own  expense,  for  which  he  received  a
                                     special vote of thanks. He
                                     was a member of the York    Brother Gebo received his degrees in St. Thomas Lodge
                                     Rite; Scottish Rite and was   No. 54 in Washington State. He helped form Star In The
                                     Sovereign Grand Inspector   West Lodge U.D., and was a member of Star In The West
                                     General 33; and a member   Lodge No. 40 in Red Lodge where he served as Treasurer
                                     of  the  Shrine.  He  also   in 1892.
                                     belonged to the Knights of
                                     Pythias and Elks.           Note: Between 1895 and 1897, Sam Gebo’s Clarks Fork
                                                               Coal  Company  developed  the  Gebo  Mine  near  present
                                        MWPGM Henry Frank      day Fromberg (originally named Gebo) in Carbon County,
                                     died  at  the  age  of  57  on   Montana).  Gebo  also  developed  the  Spring  Creek  Mine
                                     August 17, 1908, while in   near Lewistown, Montana and the Owl Creek Coal Mine
                                     Cincinnati,  Ohio.  He  was   in Gebo, Wyoming. In 1910 Gebo purchased the Citizens’
                                     buried at the Walnut Hills   Electric Company and the Spring Creek Power and Electric
                                     United  Jewish  Cemetery   Company and later merged them with the Lewistown Coal,
                                     Evanston, Ohio.           Gas and Light Company.

         Volume 94   Number  6                                                    Montana Freemason                                                                         Page 7
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